MaryEllen, Author at Imperfect Homemaker - Page 111 of 121

All Posts by MaryEllen

Fireman Fun

We've had a great time these past few days enjoying some time away.  Unfortunately I did an absolutely horrible job taking pictures.  I guess I got a little too relaxed.

Our four-year-old absolutely adores firemen.  He has fireman dress-up clothes that he wears all the time and is always saying he wants to be a fireman when he grows up.  When we came across this firehouse museum we knew we had to take him to see it. 

This was a victorian-era firehouse that had been restored.  The firefighters were anybody and everybody who heard the alarm.  Every house was mandated to have their own fire buckets, and the men would grab them and run to the fire house.  The horses stayed in stables in the back of the fire house, and they were trained to walk to the front of the fire wagon and wait when they heard an alarm.  Pulleys above the horses would lower their harnesses onto them, and the firemen could be out the door within 45 seconds.  The alarms rang in code telling the men at which house number there was a fire.  It would repeat itself over and over because someone might miss the beginning of it.  There was also a big church-type bell in the very top that they would ring so that the whole town could hear it. 

In the back of the museum were all sorts of vintage fire trucks, and there were other displays of old uniforms and other paraphernalia.  I expected Little Bear to love seeing all the firetrucks, but I actually found the museum to be quite fascinating myself.

If the Lord wants him to be a fireman when he grows up, I'll be happy with that.  I'll be even more happy if he gives his life telling others how they can be saved from the fires of hell.  Who knows what will be in store for this little guy? 

Quick Health Update

I'm just coming in from the doctor, and I thought I'd let everybody know what is going on.  She said she could definitely hear an irregular heartbeat, but the first step is took take a look at the bloodwork and check my thyroid.  I should hear something back by Monday.  So in the meantime, I'll just wait and pray.  If it is a thyroid problem, I will definitely be doing some research, because I'm not really wanting to be on medication long-term.  But, there's no sense in thinking about that now until I know something for sure.  Thank you to everyone who has asked about me, sent emails, and left comments.  I appreciate it very much!

Anti-Procrastination Challenge: An Apple a Day…

…doesn't always keep the doctor away.

Tomorrow morning will find me at the doctor's office trying to find out some answers about the fatigue with which I've been struggling, among other issues.

Believe me, folks.  This is a big deal for me.  I'm the kind of girl who doesn't even take a Tylenol when I have a headache.  I don't just go running to the doctor for every little ailment.  But when my health is keeping me from taking care of my family the way I'd like to, and when there could potentially be something wrong with my heart, it's time to go.  That's not really something I should mess around with.

Hopefully I will get some answers, or at least get started down the right track.  I will be going to see my ob doctor simply because the medical center is booked until August.  After having had 3 babies with the same ob, I'm wonderfully comfortable talking to her anyway, so I'm hoping she can at the very least point me in the right direction and use her medical influence to get me in to a cardiologist if that's what I need to do.

Now, is there anybody reading this that knows you need to go see a doctor for some reason or another?  Perhaps you're the type that always puts that sort of thing off.  I was just talking to a lady the other day who had two adult children diagnosed with cancer within one week of each other.  Her daughter found out right away, and the cancer was only stage 1.  She will probably be fine.  Her son?  She told me with head down and tears in her eyes that “He waited too long to go.”  His cancer is stage 5, and things aren't looking too good.

If you need to go…then go!  Don't try to convince yourself that it's probably nothing.  If you go, and it's nothing, then you can be glad to know you're fine!  If you go, and it's not nothing, you'll be so thankful you went sooner rather than later.

If you're just now joining our Anti-Procrastination challenge, you can read all the details here. Be sure you're subscribed to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each day's new challenge!       

It’s Yard Sale Time!

Oh boy, I don't even like my mother seeing my living room looking like this, and here I am posting it on the internet!  Anyway, I'll be just a hair busy this weekend getting all this stuff sorted for a yard sale on Saturday.   Happy weekend, everyone!

The Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Getting Back in the Ballgame

 As you may remember, I haven't been feeling too well lately.  As a result, I have sort of fallen off the Anti-Procrastination bandwagon.  I have been trying to just keep up with the basics around the house and haven't had enough energy to do anything extra.  However, I have been feeling a tiny bit better, and I'm trying to ease myself back into the ballgame of completing my Anti-Procrastination tasks every day.  I definitely haven't done anything big, but at least I've been doing something.   

So if I've been working on stuff, then why haven't you seen me posting my daily challenges here?  Ummm….I have an excuse.  You know, since I haven't been feeling well, I have had to take naps during the afternoons instead of blogging.  After I went for a while without blogging, I just didn't know where to start to get back into it.  So…I procrastinated.  Waiting never helps things get any easier, though.  So I'm here today just to get started.

Have you ever gotten out of a habit for some reason or another, and then never got back into it because you just didn't know where to start?  Is there something right now that you need to just start, whether for the first time or something that you need to get back into?

Just start.

And hey, it won't hurt my feelings if you leave me a comment either.  🙂        

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