15 Minute Tasks for the Week - Imperfect Homemaker

15 Minute Tasks for the Week

15 Minutes a Day to a Clean and Organized Home


I know I've been rather sporadic with posting these weekly tasks, mainly because I've been living in survival mode .   So you know if I post a challenge, I must be having a decent day and feeling ambitious.  (That doesn't necessarily mean I'll actually get this stuff done, but I'm at least thinking about it!)

I'd like to work in the laundry room this week, mainly because mine's not too bad and it won't take too much work.



Remove anything from the room that does not belong there and put it in the correct place.  This includes a quick declutter of shelves/cabinets.


Clean the washing machine.  Here is a good way to clean a top-loading washing machine and one for a front-loading machine.  (Yes, yes.  I know promoting using bleach on a blog that talks about natural living is a no-no, but there are certain things which I just don't seem to be able to remove the scum and grime off without bleach.  If you are an expert and can recommend a natural way which is just as effective, please feel free to fire away in the comments!)


Clean the dryer.  Wipe down the outside and inside.  Clean the dryer ducts.  (Yikes!  I don't think I've ever done this!)


Vacuum thoroughly, empty trash, clean cobwebs out of corners.


Wash windows and curtains if you have them.  Wipe down lightswitches, doorknobs, etc.


Make sure laundry items are stocked and organized –  Hangers, laundry baskets detergents (maybe now would be a good time to try my homemade laundry detergent), stain removers, etc.

Don't forget that through Saturday, May 4, 2013, you can get an ebook bundle of valuable homemaking ebooks for 95% off!  Click here for details.


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