15 Minutes a Day to a Clean and Organized Home

15 Minute Tasks for The Week

15 Minutes a Day to a Clean and Organized Home

I'm finally back with another week of 15 minute tasks!  We'll start with Tuesday, though, since I'm a day late getting this up!

This week we'll be working in the pantry.  Mine is more like a catch-all room, so I've got a lot of work to do in there!


Grab a trash bag and set the timer for 15 minutes.  Go through every shelf, throwing away food that is expired, that you know you're never going to eat, or that you know you shouldn't eat!  If you're trying to take baby steps toward healthier living, don't hinder yourself by keeping food that is bad for you in your house!  If you're not sure, read the labels, google certain ingredients, and learn what things are!  I have kicked a lot of food out of my house this way.  It didn't seem so bad on the surface, but when I checked into what I was really eating, I just couldn't bring myself to eat it anymore.


Today you need to take a rag and a bottle of cleaner into the pantry.  (You can use my DIY non-toxic cleaner if you like.)  Set the timer for 15 minutes and start clearing off shelves and wiping them down with your cleaner and rag.  You can put the stuff back on the shelves any old way because we'll be organizing everything later.


Head into the pantry with small baskets, jars, or bins.  Group like items together and place smaller items into baskets.  Use jars if you'd like for opened pasta, rice, beans, etc.


Finish up organizing the items on the shelves.  If you keep other items stored in your pantry, organize them in the most efficient way you can.


Vacuum the floor, scrub the walls, doorframe, and lightswitch, and you're done!


If you want to join us for the next round of 15 minute cleaning organizing tasks, be sure to subscribe to free email updates or follow me on Facebook so you won't miss it!

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