15 Self-Directed Activities for Toddlers - Imperfect Homemaker

15 Self-Directed Activities for Toddlers

15 Self-Directed Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

With the homeschool year about to start, I am once again faced with the question of “What do I do with the little ones?”  I need them to stay occupied so I can help the older ones with their schoolwork, and I need something that will hold their attention for a good while.

 I have three criteria for the activities that I choose:
1. They aren't expensive or extremely time-consuming to make
2. They aren't too babyish for my 4- year-old but not too hard for my 2-year-old
3. They won't create a big mess.

Here are some ideas that meet all of those qualifications.

Popsicle Stick Puzzles
Popsicle stick color matching
Build a cupcake


Building with velcro and craft sticks
Pipe cleaners and a spice jar
Button practice with felt
Clothespin Color Match
Weaving with pipe cleaners and a cooling rack
Practicing shapes with stickers
Popsicle Stick Shape matching
Pom poms and tweezers
Printable Sewing Cards
Block puzzles
I spy book
Magnetic items and a cookie sheet


If you want even more ideas, you'll want to check out my newest eBook!  You'll find a selection of ideas that isn't too hard for you to set up for your children but will keep them occupied for a good while!  Take a look here!

101 Independent Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

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