An Invitation to Rest - Imperfect Homemaker

An Invitation to Rest

31 Days of Intentional Rest


October is a big month in the blog world.  Many bloggers participate in a 31 day writing challenge where they will blog for 31 days straight about one topic.

I've done it before and it's quite profitable from a blogging perspective – you get a lot of content added to your blog, you can use that content as the core for a new book, you get a lot of new followers who are interested in your topic, etc.


This year, my body, my mind, and my spirit are in dire need of rest.  Obligating myself to sit down and write every day is not what I need in this season.  Don't get me wrong – I love to write and it refreshes me. But when other responsibilities are pressing, my body does not need the pressure of being forced to get up early or stay up late to fit writing into my schedule too.


I have a feeling I'm not alone in my need for rest.


The demands of life press in from all sides whether you're a blogger or not.

Perhaps your brain feels like it might explode any second from all the things you're trying to keep straight.
Perhaps your house is hopelessly messy and you just can't get back on top of things no matter how hard you try.
Perhaps circumstances beyond your control are leaving you feeling worried and stressed.


When Jesus' disciples were insanely busy, hardly able to keep their heads above water with all the demands on their time, he called them to come apart and rest awhile.

 That's what I'm inviting you to do.

I'm setting aside the entire month of October as a chance to simply rest, and I'd love to have you join me.


The computer will stay off most of the time.  I'll be actively looking for ways to simplify life at home.  I'll be going to bed earlier.  I'll be spending more time in my pj's with my nose in a good book.

For the most part, I won't be blogging, but…I do have a few things planned.  I have a few posts for sponsors that I already had on the schedule.  I'll also write when I have free moments and I feel like writing is what would be most refreshing for me at the moment.

Although I will will be concentrating on resting rather than writing, I still want to share some ideas with you on how to find rest.

Resting is about so much more than going to bed earlier (although that's important too!)

It's about decluttering our minds from the extra baggage bumping around that won't allow us a moment of silence inside our brain. 

It's about defeating the hopelessness that we feel when the demands of life seem impossible to meet. 

It's about learning to think the right things and do the right things so that we can kick the constant feeling of being overwhelmed out of our lives.

I've been studying a lot about the Biblical concept of rest and I am bursting with things to share with you!  Therefore, as I feel it is appropriate for my own life, I will be trickling out some posts for you as well as quite a few goodies that I think you're going to love.


Are you constantly burdened with a feeling of being overwhelmed?

Are you physically tired all the time?

Is your mind constantly overloaded with no sign of slowing down?

Are your emotions a mess?

If you answered yes to any of the above, consider this your invitation to join me for a season of rest.

If you already subscribe to my regular email list, you'll want to go ahead and sign up separately here because I'll be sending out emails specifically for the season of rest.

I hope you'll join me!





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