Homeschooling Archives - Page 5 of 7 - Imperfect Homemaker

Category Archives for Homeschooling

Teaching Reading Made Easy

Teaching Reading Made Easy is a guest post by Meeghan at Sight and Sound Reading.

Teaching Reading Made Easy!

It is easier than you think to teach reading. I always used to think that teaching someone to read would be a challenging experience. I never imagined my mother would prove to me it is actually very simple. This is the story of how I taught my daughter to read…

I have moved all of my homeschooling posts to christianhomeschoolfamily.com. You can go here to read this post at the new site.

You can go here to read this post at the new site.


Homemaking While Homeschooling: Getting It All Done

Mother, wife, teacher, cook, housekeeper: there are often many roles a homeschooling mom needs to play. And sometimes it seems as if there is no way to maintain a house, feed your family nutritious meals, and teach our children each day.
Occasionally the problem is that we've set the standard too high, and we need to step back and think of what we can realistically accomplish. But sometimes  the way we plan and how we carry out the plan can help us to homeschool and still be the homemakers we need to be.
I have moved all of my homeschooling posts to christianhomeschoolfamily.com.
You can go here to read this post at the new site.
Homemaking While Homeschooling: How to Get it All Done - great tips!

Win 2 Levels of Phonics from Pearson Homeschool!

Enter to win 2 levels of phonics curriculum from Pearson Homeschool!

Here we are on Day 11 already! We may be winding down, but we still have a few awesome giveaways left, including this one from Pearson Homeschool!

Green FB

Phonics Homeschoolers Trust

MCP Phonics

Choose the phonics program homeschoolers have trusted for over 50 years. MCP Phonics develops alphabetic and phonemic awareness, the language skills young learners need to become fluent readers.

  • ✔ Trusted by homeschoolers
  • ✔ An abundance of practice
  • ✔ Flexible lessons at your own schedule

The MCP Phonics homeschool bundles include the following components:

  • ✔ Student Edition
  • ✔ Teacher Resource Guide
  • ✔ Parent Guide
Winner can select TWO grade level Plaid Phonics bundles for a total retail value of $134.44. Grades K-6 are available.
To enter, simply use the Rafflecopter form below. Open to US residents only. All entries will be verified. Winners will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to reply. If not response is received within 48 hours, a new winner will be chosen. Good luck!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


To see the rest of the 12 Days of Homeschool giveaways, click here.

Spelling You See Giveaway! (12 Days of Homeschool Giveaways)

Are you enjoying the 12 Days of Homeschool Giveaways brought to you by Homeschool Blogger's Network? If you've missed any of the past 5 days, click here to see the entire list.

12 Days of Homeschool Giveaways- Enter to win a complete level of Spelling You See curriculum.

Today's sponsor is Spelling You See.

Spelling You See is a natural, easy way to teach and learn spelling. Many children have become confident, successful spellers using the methods taught by Spelling You See. The design of the program allows students to develop spelling skills naturally, at their own pace, with the direction and encouragement of the instructor.

Spelling You See will be giving a complete level of Spelling You See of the winners choice. Click here to learn more about Spelling You See.

To enter, simply use the Rafflecopter form below. Please note this giveaway is open to US Residents only. All entries will be verified. Winners will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond. If no response is received within 48 hours, a new winner will be chosen. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

History Through The Ages Timeline Trio Giveaway

What an awesome way to start the new year with these FUN timeline. Hurry! Giveaway ends 12/17!


I can't think of something more exciting than starting off the new year with these history timelines. These timelines make the perfect hands on activities for any history program.

HISTORY Through the Ages Timeline Trio helps put the puzzle of history together. It allow you to follow across eras of time using illustrated figures to represent people and events key to world history. Using them in the Record of Time notebook allows a portability that will become both a valuable resource and treasured keepsake!

With eras of “time” being such an abstract concept, a child can have difficulties wrapping his young mind around the idea of it – adults, too! Quite often the student will become frustrated and bored, resulting in a deflated desire to understand the subject at all. Understanding when and where events took place, however, is crucial to understanding the patterns that evolved throughout history! It also illustrates God's hand in all things from civilizations to sciences, something unfortunately left out in public school educations today. The key factor lacking in teaching the subject of history was transforming it from an abstract concept to a concrete framework, visible and even tangible! Practically all people, young or old, rely on visualizing in order to learn. A child will see patterns happening and will make sense of how one event leads to another.

Win One

Homeschool in the Woods wants to giveaway (1) HISTORY Through the Ages TIMELINE TRIO. It is retailed value at 113.95. Winner will be picked on Wednesday, November 17th at 11:59 pm. Winner will be contacted via email and must respond within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen. All entries will be verified.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out the other FUN 12 Days of Homeschool Giveaways!

Why You Need P.E. in Your Home School

Why You Need P.E. In Your Home School


I had the privilege to attend a Christian school through 5th grade.  I loved every minute of it and I think my attendance there played a large part in shaping who I am today.

I especially enjoyed the opportunities for active play with my friends, and I had plans to play on the basketball team as soon as I got into junior high.  I even won the award for “Most Athletic” one year.  Just thinking about myself now as “Most Athletic” now seems laughable.

I have moved all of my homeschooling posts to christianhomeschoolfamily.com. You can go here to read this post at the new site.

You can go here to read this post at the new site.