5 Common Causes of Fatigue - Imperfect Homemaker

5 Common Causes of Fatigue

Are you feeling fatigued day after day?  Perhaps you may laugh, thinking that it's normal to feel that way, but would you be happy to know that you don't have to feel exhausted all the time?  I understand that you work hard at your responsibilities, and being tired is a natural result of that.  Fatigue – being constantly, overwhelmingly exhausted – is not natural.

5 Common Causes of Fatigue

When I placed myself under the care of a doctor of functional medicine to overcome some deeper health issues (which included fatigue), I learned invaluable information from my doctor as well as from my own research.

I have discovered some of the basics that all women need to prioritize in their lives in order to achieve a greater energy level.

Did you notice that I said “basics”?

Some of the things I could have done to combat the fatigue were so simple that I looked right past them.

Perhaps you are neglecting them, too.

If you’re fighting fatigue day after day, consider whether or not these 5 contributors to fatigue are present in your life. When you eliminate them, you will most likely feel an incredible boost in your energy level.

{Read my entire guest post at The Humbled Homemaker}

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