5 Minute Friday: Race - Imperfect Homemaker

5 Minute Friday: Race

This post is being written for 5 Minute Friday at Tales from a Gypsy Mama.  I am writing for 5 minutes flat with no editing, backtracking, or overthinking.


As the mother of three young children, every day feels like a race.  I race to get one on the potty before we have an accident, leave her there and race to pick up another one who is crying.  I race to eat a bite of my lunch before someone spills their drink or wants more food.  All day long the race continues, and some days, okay most days,  it is incredibly exhausting.  I wonder how in the world I can continue this race day after day after day.  But any runner will tell you that they could never race unless they have first prepared and strengthened themselves.  I must do the same for my race.  Purposeful preparation of my heart and gathering strength from God’s Word must be a daily occurrence.   I can never endure this on my own.   I need daily help from God.  He is the source of my strength.  Without Him I can do nothing (John 15:5).




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