5 Reasons We're Learning About Great Missionaries in our Homeschool - Imperfect Homemaker

5 Reasons We’re Learning About Great Missionaries in our Homeschool

We have a two-fold goal in our homeschool:

First, to teach our children Godly character and second, to equip them with the academic skills they need for life.

Using studies of great missionaries is a great way to help meet both of those goals!

When we read missionary biographies and do more in-depth studies on those missionaries, there are 5 (at least) things that are happening with our children:

5 Reasons We're Studying Great Missionaries in our Homeschool | Missionary studies for homeschoolers

I have moved all of my homeschooling posts to christianhomeschoolfamily.com.

You can go here to read this post at the new site.

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