Anti-Procrastination Archives - Page 7 of 9 - Imperfect Homemaker

Category Archives for Anti-Procrastination

Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Call or Email a Long-Distance Friend

There are a number of people that were good friends of mine in college, but now I feel like I hardly know them.  They have moved away, and I have done a horrible job at keeping in touch with them.  In my opinion, “liking” or commenting on their Facebook status once in a while is a lousy alternative to actually calling them or emailing them with a meaningful message.

I am tired of making excuses for everything.    Among my excuses for not keeping in better touch with my long-distance friends are thinking that they are too busy or that I'll call at a bad time for them, my kids don't like it when I'm on the phone, and more.  But the real truth is that I've just been too lazy to make the effort.  A true friend will take the time to keep in touch with people she cares about.  Even if it's not always convenient, a true friend will make a way to do it.

Today I called one of my very best friends.  You know what?  It was so good to hear her voice.  So good.  You know what else?  She was so happy to hear from me too.  She told me more than once that I made her day.  She will be hearing from me a whole lot more often from now on.

Do you have any friends that you have been bad about communicating with?  Make some time to call them.  If you can't make a phone call, send a meaningful email message.  Proverbs 18:24 says  “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly.”  I'm going to stop saying “I should call…”  “I should email her…”  I'm just going to do it.    

If you're just now joining our Anti-Procrastination challenge, be sure you're subscribed to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each day's new challenge!

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Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Taking Care of Business

 Well, folks, it's time to tackle another of those (dreaded) Anti-Procrastination tasks again.  Really, I hope you don't dread them.  I hope you're enjoying the feeling of getting things done so they won't be hanging over your head any more.  I know I am!

Today you need to take care of any business that needs to be done.

 For example, I had to make a couple of calls that I was not looking forward to.  One that I can't post here, and another one to my credit card company to settle a dispute with a company that charged my card but did not fulfill my order.  I hate making calls like that, and I avoid it as long as possible with my excuses.  “I'll be on hold forever, and I don't have time for that.”  “The kids hate it when I'm on the phone, and they start running around and acting crazy.”  (Really, they do!)  Well, too bad honey.  You just need to stop procrastinating and get it over with.  You'll be done and won't have to worry about it any more. 

Now it's your turn.  Go take care of whatever business you've been avoiding and then enjoy the rest of your day!

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Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Make Someone’s Day

I often have great ideas of things that would be nice to do for someone else.  The problem is, I don't often get around to doing them.  It's just never a convenient time.  But making an extra effort is what makes a thoughtful gesture all the more special!

Today I want you to do something special for someone.  It doesn't have to be anything big; just something that shows you expended extra effort because you were thinking of them!

I took time to do a chore that my husband normally has to do.  I know he will appreciate not having to do it when he gets home.

If you're just now joining our Anti-Procrastination challenge, you can read all the details here. be sure you're subscribed to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each day's new challenge!

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Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Choose Your Own

I've decided to let you choose your own Anti-Procrastination task today!  I know each of our situations are a little bit different, and there's probably something in your home that's been bugging you in the back of your mind knowing you need to get it done.  Since I don't know all of you, and I've never been to your house, I'll let you determine today what it is that you need to work on.  Check out this post to see my original list of rules that I made for myself regarding what an Anti-Procrastination task should be.  

It's been warm here, so I went outside and cleaned up the kids outside toys.  I got things straightened up and put where they need to be so that our yard doesn't look like a bunch of hooligans live here!  (Maybe they do!)

If you're just now joining our Anti-Procrastination challenge, be sure you're subscribed to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each day's new challenge!

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Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Light a Candle!

Today's challenge is so easy, but it will brighten up your day!  I want you to light a candle!  Some of you may think this is funny because you keep candles lit in your home all the time.  I don't.  I have lots of them, and when I see them I think “Oh, I don't want to have a pretty candle lit until everything is perfectly clean.”  The problem is, I have 3 little kids.  Therefore, my house is pretty much NEVER perfectly clean.  I don't live in a dump, but there is always something – dishes, or toys, or spilled food on the floor.  I never get to enjoy my candles because I am always waiting until everything is perfect. 

Why wait?  Let's just enjoy a little bit of beauty and a nice aroma even if there are couple dishes in the sink!   

If you're just now joining us, you can read all about the Anti-Procrastination challenge here.

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Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Clean out your Nightstand

I don't know about you, but my nightstand tends to gather quite a collection of random items.  Glasses of water, books, tissues, and miscellaneous lotion bottles are all items that tend to land on or in my nightstand.  Since my nightstand has a door that can be shut, I often end up throwing a book in there when I'm half asleep, and then it becomes forgotten. 

I just found 8 books in my nightstand that I'm not currently reading.  Eight!  I got them all out and put them all away. 

Go put any dishes in the sink, replace empty tissue boxes with new ones, and throw away half-used bottles of lotion that you don't use any more.   Make sure every item on or in your nightstand is something that you use on a regular basis. 

If you're just now joining us, you can read all about the Anti-Procrastination challenge here.

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