Blog - Page 82 of 128 - Imperfect Homemaker

Giveaway Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the prizes from the book launch of Farewell, Fatigue!  If you are on this list, you should have already received an email from me:


Grand prize giveaway – Andrea H.

Kerrygold Prize Package – Renee W.

Kind Bars variety pack – Rachel A. L.

Non-toxic Living eBooks – Karen G. D.

Real Food eBooks – Eileen H.

Boiron homeopathic sleep aid – Tyra N Blake W.

Propur Sport Filtration Bottle – Nikki S.

Thoughts from The Imperfect Grandmother

I am honored to have my mom posting some things from her heart today.  And while she wrote this from a grandmother's perspective, there is so much that we young mothers can learn from this too!  (Titus 2:3-4   The aged women likewise…that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children…)


I sure wish I were closer to perfect than imperfect, but unfortunately, the closer I get to heaven, the more I realize that I need the Lord to help me through each phase of life! In fact, in some ways it gets harder as life goes on because now not only do I have four children to be a godly example to, but now I have 15, (soon to be 17) grandchildren to pray diligently for and be a godly example to.
My daughter recently gave birth to her fourth child and we were privileged to keep her other three while she had some R & R after the birth. Throughout those three days, the Lord was showing me what I can learn from keeping these precious grandchildren. They are not necessarily in any special order, but just random thoughts.

Child Training
1. They need love, attention, discipline, and did I mention that they need love, attention, and discipline, and oh, teaching. Teach them diligently. Teach them the Word of God in the Way. Use every day incidences and objects to teach and instill the Word of God in their hearts. Deuteronomy 4:9 Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons; Deuteronomy 6:7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

2. Focus on them, not yourself. They are your main mission. Meet their needs, physically, emotionally, and Spiritually.

3. Don't be too quick to judge them expecting them to act like mature adults. Remember they are very young.

4. They need to see Christ in my actions, not just hear about Him in my words.

5. They may claim to be saved and only God know their hearts. If they claim to be saved, teach them as though they are, but always giving the gospel so that it becomes clear in their hearts and minds. Pray that you will see evidence of their salvation or that God will reveal to them that they are not saved and that they will see themselves as a sinner and accept Him.

6. Often as I see my grandchildren do many wicked things, I become angry and frustrated. I remind myself, what if God became so angry and frustrated with me every time I disobeyed or did so wickedly. While thinking back, I remember many wicked things I did after salvation, yet God in His mercy still loved and forgave me and gently led me on.

7. Forgive them as God forgives you.

8. Teach them God's Word and how to live a victorious Christian Life.

9. Never give up on them.

10. Don't break their spirit, but don't give in to their will either.

11. Be merciful and kind. Oh how merciful and kind God is toward me. What if He screamed at me every time I sinned or rebelled or disobeyed? What if He punished me unmercifully without love and thought?

12. Remember how often I act like a 2 year old when God is dealing with me. I am so quick to forget what He told me and to go my own way without a care at all.

13. God definitely made younger women to care for children. Yes, Sarah and Elizabeth had children in their old age, but they only had one. But God does give grace and strength and joy in it all!

14. Sit back and enjoy them! They are great entertainment and can really give you a good time.

15. Snatch any quiet moments to be alone with the Lord in His Word and in prayer. While keeping grandchildren or your own children, there may not be a long length of time that you can sit and meditate on God's Word, so learn to recognize and be prepared for any small windows of quietness that God may give you. In the quietness of your heart, meditate on Scripture and pray without ceasing. Be thankful for any quiet time that God gives you. Use it for getting to know the Lord better through His Word and for praying. Pray continually for your grandchildren.

Summary: It is a privilege to be a grandmother. I desire that my grandchildren see this in their grandparents:
Proverbs 16:31 The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.
Luke 1:6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.

Remember: Proverbs 17:6 Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.

Psalms 103:17 But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children…

What imperfections do you need to weed out from your mothering or grandmothering?

You’re Invited!

You are all invited to a Facebook party on Tuesday evening from 8 – 10 pm.

We will be discussing various aspects about my new ebook Farewell, Fatigue.  There will be a lot of great information there for everyone, regardless of your current health.

And of course there will be door prizes and party favors!

RSVP here so you can get a little reminder before the party starts!

And, would you do me a little favor and invite your friends too?

Looking forward to chatting with you there!


Free Goal-Setting Printables

Have you thought about what you'd like to accomplish in 2014?

More importantly, have you thought about what God wants you to accomplish this year?

My husband and I have a date planned for this Friday night to sit down and make a list of goals that we believe God would have our family to work towards.

I will also be sitting down this evening to work on my personal goals for this year.

You've probably all heard the old saying, “If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time.”  I want to aim for something.  In this season of my life, that may not be anything “big”.  My life is full right now with taking care of my home and children, and there's not much room for many “big” things.  And that's okay.

As you think through your goals for the year, just keep them simple and realistic.  You don't have to come up with specific steps for reaching those goals quite yet – I'll be providing printable worksheets for that within the next few days.  Just start jotting down everything you can think of that you'd like to accomplish, then go back and pray over your list and re-evaluate what you should keep and what you should cross off.  Remember, if you try to focus on doing too much, you'll actually accomplish less.

You can use these free printable goal setting sheets.

Free Goal-Setting Printables

Download Here

I've included the following:


Spiritual goals – Do you want to read all the way through the Bible this year?  Memorize a large passage of scripture?  Those things go here.

Personal goals – this is for things like exercising, personal hobbies, home business ventures like blogging or direct sales, etc.

Homemaking goals – this includes anything that has to do with your home and family like menu planning, cleaning and organizing, spending quality time with your husband or children, etc.

Family goals – this is for goals that you set as a family and all work on together.  Maybe you'd like to accomplish some yard or house projects together or participate in some type of ministry as a family.  Work on those goals together and put them here.

You'll probably want to put these printables in a binder as I will be offering many, many printables this year as a part of Project Simplify.  (Get the first one here if you missed it.)

Don't forget to subscribe to email updates so you can keep up with each step of Project Simplify and receive the new printables as they are published.  Simply enter your email address in the form below this post.

What area do you most need to simplify this year?


“Farewell, Fatigue”! (Plus a Giveaway Worth $200+!)

Natural Help for Chronic Fatigue

God taught me a lot of things during the time that I struggled with chronic fatigue.  I believe He allowed me to go through it for a reason.  And I believe that one of those reasons is so that I could help others who are dealing with the same thing.

I know what it's like to struggle just to put one foot in front of the other each day.  It breaks my heart when I hear friends or readers mention that they are not functioning very well.

YOU are the reason I wrote this book!

After much prayer for direction as to where I should seek natural help for the chronic fatigue, God led me to a doctor of functional medicine.  A functional medicine doctor is dedicated to seeking out the root of the illness and correcting the actual problem, not just the symptoms.  For nearly a year, I have been learning from my doctor as well as doing my own research.   I paid thousands of dollars for my “treatment” (which was basically a personalized education as to how to best nourish my body).  But I want everyone to have access to this information!  I want YOU to feel better so that you can have the energy you need to take care of your home and your family!

Is $6.99 a little more affordable than thousands of dollars? Then go ahead and buy the ebook!

I'm also including a set of encouraging scripture verse printables to everyone who purchases the ebook.  They will be included with your book download. If you purchase the Kindle version, you can email me your receipt and I will email them to you.

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(You can also purchase the book for Kindle here.)

In this book you will learn:

  • The Basic Essentials of Health
  • More Advanced Aspects of Health Management
  • The Practical Side of Overcoming Chronic Fatigue
  • Helpful Resources for Purchasing Food and Supplements

These natural methods of healing are not spooky or strange, but are lifestyle changes that anyone can implement.

Although I was already leading a fairly healthy lifestyle before ever being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue, there were a few pieces of the puzzle that were missing. I have attempted to share ALL of the puzzle pieces that fit together for me so that you can attempt to piece them together in your own life!

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There will be a Facebook party on January 7 from 8-10 pm.  Join us as we discuss strategies to overcome fatigue.  Door prizes will be given away as well as party favors for everyone!  RSVP here so you'll receive a reminder when it's time to party!



I am so grateful for these sponsors who have generously provided prizes that will help you along on your journey toward a more healthy, energetic lifestyle.

Are you constantly tired? Do you struggle to get through the basics of your day?

Learn how I overcame chronic fatigue naturally!

Farewell, Fatigue (ebook)

Learn how I overcame chronic fatigue naturally!

Price: $6.99
Natural Help for Chronic Fatigue


After a year and a half of struggling with fatigue and other miserable symptoms for no explainable reason, I was finally diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I immediately began a quest to find the information I needed to overcome it with nothing other than completely natural methods.

Today I have made a complete turnaround from the way I used to feel.

Although I spent thousands of dollars to learn from naturally minded doctors, I want to share with you what I have learned for just the price of an ebook!


In this book you will learn:

  • The Basic Essentials of Health
  • More Advanced Aspects of Health Management
  • The Practical Side of Overcoming Chronic Fatigue
  • Helpful Resources for Purchasing Food and Supplements

These natural methods of healing are not spooky or strange, but are lifestyle changes that anyone can implement.

Although I was already leading a fairly healthy lifestyle before ever being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue, there were a few pieces of the puzzle that were missing. I have attempted to share ALL of the puzzle pieces that fit together for me so that you can attempt to piece them together in your own life!

Read more at https://www.imperfecthomemaker.com/store/farewell-fatigue#xeoaeqSH38ywM3QX.99


  • Third Day Naturals offers natural handmade soap, skin and body care.  It is absolutely amazing how many toxic chemicals are in most of the body care on the market today.  Although it is only one small piece of the puzzle, reducing the toxic load on your body will definitely aid you in overcoming fatigue.  You will only find the purest ingredients in the products from Third Day Naturals.  They are giving away a package of the following products: 1 sugar scrub, 1 full size lotion bar, 1 soap, 1 lip balm.
  •  Plan to Eat is giving away a free one year subscription to their meal planning service. Having a meal plan will save you time and money, allow you to spend less time in the grocery store, help you eat healthier food, and give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing what is for dinner. Plan to Eat is an online meal planner that uses your recipes, scheduled for the days you want them. Then, it automatically makes your grocery list using the recipes you’ve selected. Here’s a short one-minute video to show you how it works:

Plan to Eat – The Online Menu Planner from Plan to Eat on Vimeo.


  • At Bloom Naturals you will find a variety of natural skincare items as well as products for babies and kids and natural laundry products.  They are giving away a $25 gift certificate to my shop, plus ALL of my readers get a 20% off coupon when you use the code BOOKLAUNCH.  Shop through this link.

 Bloom Naturals

  • The VitaClay Smart Organic Multicooker makes perfect rice, brown rice, whole grains, quinoa, savory stews, soups and nutritious bone broths or steamed fish or veggies. It also doubles as a low temperature yogurt maker! Meals are super flavorful and nourishing because VitaClay seals in the beneficial nutrients and enzymes.  There is a TON more I could say about this product; you should check out all the cool details here!


Farewell, Fatigue

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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