A Few of My Favorite Things (Plus a Giveaway!) - Imperfect Homemaker

A Few of My Favorite Things (Plus a Giveaway!)

I know I'm talking a lot about this Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle, but that's because I'm just so excited about it!

I know that 97 ebooks may seem a little overwhelming to some of you, but when you take a minute to look at the smaller picture, you can focus on the materials that most interest you and leave the rest on your virtual bookshelf for later.

 Update:  Although the bundle sale is no longer available, you can still purchase any of the individual ebooks by clicking on the links in the post.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.  If you make a purchase through the links on this page I will earn a small commission.  Thank you for supporting this site!


Here are some of my personal favorites:

Tell Your Time Ebook

Tell Your Time by Amy @ Blogging with Amy
This is regularly $2.99 and worth every penny!  This book helped me incredibly with time management!  It just made sense!


K4 CurricuclumK4 Curriculum by Erica @ Confessions of a Homeschooler – normally $15.00.  I used this with my little ones and loved it!  It contains everything you need for teaching a little one how to write, cut, begin to read, recognize colors and shapes, etc. – all from a Christian perspective!


42 Days to Fit42 Days to Fit by Brandy @ The Marathon Mom, Emma @ Real Fit Moms and Stacy @ A Delightful Home  This is normally $4.99.  I have personally done this program and found it realistic for a mom like me, yet challenging at the same time.


Real Food Kitchen Ecourse

You Can Do This! The First Five Steps to a Real Food Kitchen by Laura @ Heavenly Homemakers Normally $5.00.  Laura's blog was the very first blog I started reading when I started trying to make healthier choices in my kitchen, and I couldn't have chosen a better blog to read!  She doesn't confuse you, make you feel guilty for what you do or don't eat, or overwhelm you.  She is all about simple, wholesome meals that taste good – no complicated techniques or ingredients – just good food!  I know you will not be disappointed with this ecourse!

Logical Decisions

All right, think about this for a minute.  If you were to buy just these 4 resources (which I can personally assure you are worth every penny of their regular price!), you would have already spent your $29.97.  There is no logical reason whatsoever not to receive the remaining 93 ebooks plus the $140 in free bonus products, is there?  Honestly, I can't even begin to mention the books I haven't read yet, but am so excited to now own!  It's like walking into a bookstore with the latest releases and finding a big sign that said they were on sale for 31 cents each!  You better believe I'd be buying every single book that was on my wish list, even if I did spend 30 bucks!


View the entire list of included books here.

But I don't have an ereader!

All right, here's what happens when you order your ebook bundle.  After you make your payment you are directed to a page with a download link.  You download the books directly onto your computer (or flash drive, CD, etc.)  You can open them up and read them on your computer or print what you want to print.  If you have an ereader (or get one later) you can simply transfer them to your device and read them on there.



A giveaway!

Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle


I am giving away an ebook bundle to one of you! (Bundle only, does not include the bonuses)  If you purchase the bundle for yourself and you win the giveaway, you can choose someone to whom you'd like to gift it!  It's like Buy One Get One Free!

Plus…there is a good possibility that I will give away a second bundle!  That will depend on how good of a job you do sharing this deal with your friends.  We have to get the word out because after Saturday at 4pm EST, this opportunity will no longer exist!

Enter the giveaway below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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