A Real Life Day - Imperfect Homemaker

A Real Life Day

I had several inspiring posts in my mind to write today.  I was feeling so creative and organized.  I had so much I wanted to share with you all about my latest homeschooling ideas, recipes, and homemaking tips.

Then real life stepped in.

I went to bed last night with the house a mess like it usually is on Sunday nights.  That wasn't going to be a big problem, though.  I was going to knock that out in a jiffy.  My alarm was set for 6:30 am, and I was all geared up to get up early, get the cleaning knocked out, and spend the rest of the day having fun with the kids.

My well-laid plans were not to be, however. This morning I woke up with a start, rolled over, and saw that it was 11 o'clock!  Upon closer inspection, I saw that my alarm clock was turned off.  One of two things must have happened, and both are entirely possible.  Either I turned the alarm off in my sleep when it went off this morning, or my sweet husband knew I needed more sleep after a long weekend and turned it off for me.

But 11 o'clock!  I doubt he would have expected me to sleep that long!  By the time I nursed the baby and got everybody dressed and fed, it was already noon.  I still had two baskets full of laundry that needed to be folded and a sink full of dirty dishes that had to be done before I could even think about some of the other things I was hoping to do today.

Little people were nagging at me to get them a drink, read them a book, take them potty, etc.  My oldest was bickering with his sister, and they both were resisting my commands to help me fold the clothes.  Instead they decided to use the upside-down laundry basket as a trampoline, which did not withstand the weight of a 35 pound boy and now needs to be replaced.

The baby had a diaper blowout, didn't want anything I tried to feed him, and continued to cry because he was hungry.

The noise level combined with what felt like crisis after crisis rendered my home a scene of mass chaos.


The kids are quietly napping now, and I slipped away for a few moments to recharge and get ready for a second round.

I wanted to get upset today.  I wanted to pout and stew and whine because my day was far from picture-perfect.

But I knew I couldn't do that.  The Lord has already worked in my heart about what my attitude should be on days like this.  I get frustrated when my children seem to forget the lessons I'm trying to teach them; why should I act the same way as God's child?

No, instead I will be thankful for the Holy Spirit's reminders.  I will be thankful that he gives me the grace I need for whatever each day may hold.  I will continue to put one foot in front of the other and rely on Him instead of myself.  When things seem out of control, I will remember Psalm 61:2 –  “When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”

Real life is not always pretty, but the beauty of it is that His strength is made perfect in my weakness.  (II Cor. 12:9)

This day didn't take God by surprise, and through Him I will have every ounce of strength I need to get things back into order.

As I rise from my time of rest, I can continue on, knowing that He is with me and cares about even such trivial things as a messy house.

Friend, when those “real life days” hit you, and everything doesn't go as planned, don't get upset.  Just submit yourself to the Lord, trust in Him, and continue on through His strength.




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