Anti-Procastination Challenge: Try it! - Imperfect Homemaker

Anti-Procastination Challenge: Try it!

Anti-Procastination Challenge

One thing I am really bad about is getting too comfortable in the kitchen.  I get on kicks making certain things all the time because they're easy, because my brain doesn't want to figure out something new, because most of the recipes I see in magazines or on Pinterest look too time-consuming or too expensive, and because I honestly just want to get dinner over with so I can get on with my evening.

I think if I tried something new, though, I might actually enjoy the process of making dinner and eating it, instead of just “getting it over with”.  So as soon as this post is written, I'll be heading out to the kitchen to make quinoa stuffed peppers.



None of us have ever had quinoa before, and we've only had stuffed peppers once.  I'm really hoping we like the quinoa, because it will be a really inexpensive way to add some protein to our meals.  Who says you have to eat meat at every meal?  I've been cutting it out of our meals a whole lot lately. We honestly haven't felt like we were missing anything, but it's saving a whole lot of money.

Anyway, why in the world do I have this Pinterest board called “Recipes to try” if I'm never going to try them?  Time to stop procrastinating!  Recipes to Try


What new thing are you going to try this week?  If you need some inspiration you can head over and check out my pinterest board!


If you’re just now joining our Anti-Procrastination challenge, you can read all the details here. Be sure you’re subscribed to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each new challenge!

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