Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Refrigerator - Imperfect Homemaker

Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Refrigerator

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I know you're all going to just love me for today's challenge, but it must be done sometime, right?  And if we're not going to procrastinate, it needs to be done now, right?

That's what my husband and I decided right before bed last night.  The nasty refrigerator was just bugging us way too much, and really, when are we ever going to find a good time to clean it out?

So, last night it was.  It took an hour.  Honestly, I didn't think it was that bad (and chances are it wasn't); you just have to know my husband.  He says he's not a perfectionist, but I don't really know what else to call it.

Every single shelf was wiped down, and the old food was thrown away, which is fine.  That's the way most people clean out their fridge.  But, he wasn't content to stop there.  He wanted to use up any food that was about to go bad…now.  As in, let's make a gigantic fruit salad at bedtime.  As in, “Honey, you might as well wash up these blackberries and get them in the freezer.”

I'm always like, “I will.  Tomorrow.”  Which I guess is why I realized that I needed this Anti-Procrastination challenge this year.  And which I guess is why there was food in the fridge that already had to be thrown out.  It must have all been stuff I said I was going to use up…tomorrow.  Apparently, “tomorrow” was too late.

Sigh.  So, I guess know I'll be glad tonight at supper when we get to eat this wonderful fruit salad that I didn't feel like making last night.

Anyway, enough of my rambling about my woes of late-night fruit salad making.

It's time for you to get busy cleaning out your fridge!  And I don't want to hear you saying that it's not that bad!  You'll be sorry when you're throwing out food at bedtime one night.  And, ahem, if you really need to –  go ahead and make that fruit salad.  Just don't tell my husband I suggested that.  He'll think I thought it was a good idea.




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