Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Shiny Faucets - Imperfect Homemaker

Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Shiny Faucets

Anti-Procrastination Challenge


I saw on Pinterest forever ago that if you rub waxed paper over your faucets it will keep the faucets from getting those ugly water spots on them.

Source: inthiscrazylife-bethany.blogspot.com via MaryEllen on Pinterest

I cannot tell you how many times I have wiped down my sinks and faucets and thought, I really should try that waxed paper thing.  Instead of just going and getting the waxed paper and trying, I just think it every time.  Why do I procrastinate about everything?!!!

Anyway, so today I finally decided to go do it, and lo and behold, I had no waxed paper.

I tried checking the internet to see if there was anything else I could use, and I found something that said to use rubbing alcohol.

Here is my bathroom faucet immediately after cleaning it with alcohol:

(By the way, it is incredibly hard to take a good picture of a shiny faucet in a dimly lit bathroom.  You'll just have to use your imagination, okay?)

shiny faucet


Then, I purposely splashed water all over the faucet.  Most of it was repelled by the alcohol and ran right off.

shiny faucet

Here's what it looked like after it dried.  I think it looks just as good as when I first cleaned it with the alcohol.

shiny faucet


Time will tell how long I can go before I need to re-treat it with alcohol, but I can't imagine the waxed paper trick lasts forever either.



It's time for you to take your turn in this challenge!  Go shiny up those faucets!  If anybody tries the waxed paper method, I'd love to hear how it works for you.  Or, if you have any other ingenius ideas for keeping your faucets shiny, I'd love to hear about those too!


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