Apparoo App of the Week: Manilla - Imperfect Homemaker

Apparoo App of the Week: Manilla

This post is sponsored by Apparoo.
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I'm partnering with Apparoo to highlight a new app each week. These apps will be free or highly discounted during the weeks I post them, so grab them while you can!

This week's app:  Manilla

Get rid of paper clutter with Manilla - free for a limited time!

Whatever happened to this ‘paperless desk’ we were all supposed to have by now? The endless influx of bills can be overwhelming – and buried bills mean late fees (ahem). Manilla is a simple, secure and free way to de-clutter your desktop. It retrieves and organizes household bills, bank, credit card and healthcare accounts, travel rewards – even offline accounts like rent or babysitters. It reminds you when bills are due and files old statements so you don’t have to. So save a tree, reclaim your desk, and never pay a late fee again!  Download it here for free.

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