Best Homemaking Posts of 2013 - Imperfect Homemaker

Best Homemaking Posts of 2013

I belong to a group of bloggers called the Alternative Living Network, and we have come together to show you our Best Homemaking Posts of 2013!

Grab a cup of tea and enjoy browsing!  I've divided them into categories for you so you can quickly find what interests you the most.


Homemaking Posts

Time Management

Time Management

10 Tips for Successful Time Management

When You Can't Do it All

How to Define Your Priorities

Time Management Pitfalls

7 Ways to Add Hours to Your Day

Tools for Geting (& Staying) Prepared


Healthy Eating


Healthy Food and Lifestlye

 Healthy Eating 101: Where Do I Start?

Where To Shop for Healthy Food

Where to Shop for Healthy Food (Part 2)

The Anti-Bacterial Movement: Are We Destroying Our Immune Systems?

Is a High Speed Blender Worth It?

Sourcing Quality Produce

Freezing Fresh Vegetables

Don't Surround Your Baby in Plastic

Making Plastic Free Choices

Organic Cotton: Worth the Investment?



Saving Money

Saving Money

How to Afford to Be a Stay At Home Mom

37 Easy Ways to Save Money

No Spend Month Challenge

15 Simple Tips for Saving Money on Groceries

If It's Broken, Fix It!  Don't Buy a New One!

Simple Tips to Help You Start Living Healthier Without Breaking the Bank


Green Living

Green Living

Using Cloth in the Kitchen

The Paper Free Kitchen

The Whys and Hows of Family Cloth

Natural Ways to Trap Fruit Flies

Keeping Bugs Away

Homemade Insect Repellent Recipes

8 Ways to Create an Eco-Friendly Bedroom


Cleaning and Organizing

Cleaning and Organizing

Just Do the Next Thing

5 Simple Tips for the Housekeeping Challenged

Find Your Sheets!  Organizing the Linen Closet

Reusable Mop Pad

How to Organize Your Laundry Room

Easy Frugal Organization for Children's Activities or Craft Supplies

Storing Hand Me Downs

10 Reasons to Start Simplifying

Organizing a Small Space

Organize Your Fridge and Reduce Food Waste

Organizing Recipes in a Digital World

One Simple Thing That Will Make a Big Difference in Your Day

Decluttering Challenge

How to Declutter Your Home in 7 Easy Steps



Homemaking Tips

Miscellaneous Homemaking Tips

Easy Workout Routine for Busy Women

It's a Mirage

Why I Purposely Waste Money

Accepting Grace in This Season

5 Things I Learned as a Brand New Homemaker

Easy Tips to Show Hospitality to Overnight Guests

How to Survive When You're In Survival Mode


*Disclaimer: I do not necessarily endorse all of the content found on these other blogs.  Please read at your own discretion.*

If you want to find a bunch of other great posts from our network on all kinds of topics like Homeschooling, Home Remedies, Christian Growth, and lots and lots and LOTS of healthy recipes, be sure to visit these other blogs between 12/23 and 12/31.

Whole Intentions

Feed Me, Mama

It Takes Time

The Entwife's Journal

The Ezer Wife

Your Thriving Family

Nourishing Simplicity

Richly Rooted

Joyful Thrifty Home

Day 2 Day Joys

Wisdom Seeking Mommy

Natural Momma in Progress

Accidentally Green

Georgetown MN

Growing Slower

Imperfect Homemaker

Simple Life Abundant Life

Natural Living Mamma

Whole New Momma

Nourishing Faith and Family

Live Essentially

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