Book Review: A Warrior's Faith - Imperfect Homemaker

Book Review: A Warrior’s Faith

Disclosure: I was sent a free copy of the book thanks to Family Christian.  All opinions are 100% my own.

A Warrior's Faith - exciting story of the life of Ryan Job, Navy Seal

I just finished this brand new book called A Warrior's Faith, and I am happy to say I was very encouraged by it!

I was a little skeptical when I first picked it up because, you see, “faith” means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.

I thought, “Well, this might be an exciting story, but will his “faith” really be real?

At first it appeared that I would be right – that this soldier's faith was just a fluffy, feel-good nebulous idea without a concrete object of his faith.

But as I kept reading I realized that the reason it seemed that way is because the author (this is a biography, not an autobiography) was not sure of his own faith.  He was searching for what to believe and why he should believe it, and I think it clouded his description of the faith of the soldier about whom the book was written.

I don't want to spoil the book for you, but I was very happy to realize at the end of the book that Ryan Job (the soldier in this book) did indeed have a clear testimony of salvation.  I also thought it was exciting that the author is truly searching for the answers to life, and that is due very much to the testimony of Ryan Job and his wife.

A Warrior's Faith - exciting story of Ryan Job, Navy Seal.

Beyond the exciting news of a soldier who loved God and who had placed his faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, the stories about Ryan's life as a soldier were captivating.  The sacrifices he and his wife made for our country made me so thankful to be an American and so grateful to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to keep this country free.

I really enjoy reading nonfiction, especially when it involves a true hero, as Ryan Job was.  You can pick up this brand new book at Family Christian.  You won't be disappointed!

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