Christ Centered Easter Decor - Imperfect Homemaker

Christ Centered Easter Decor

Last year around Easter time, I was thinking about how much time and effort we put into celebrating Christmas.

We decorate. We exchange gifts to represent the greatest Gift of all.  We spend weeks listening to Christmas music.  And we acknowledge all of these things in light of the fact that we know there is a bigger story.  The story that

“Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures;  and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.”  (I Corinthians 15:3-4)

We talk about how important the whole story of Jesus birth, death, and resurrection is.

But then when Easter time comes – the time of year when we acknowledge in more detail the rest of the story – it seems we often don't give it nearly as much attention as we do the Christmas story.

Many of us don't decorate our homes the way we would for Christmas.  We don't give gifts to one another, except for possibly meaningless chocolate bunnies.   We don't spend a lot of time listening to songs about the death and resurrection of Christ.

I was challenged in my own mind to try to drive home to my children just how important the rest of the story is!  I can tell them it's important all I want, but I need to show them by my actions.

I'll be honest and say that I haven't done an amazing job of it.  I want to keep improving in this area.  I want to try to place more prominence on the celebration of Christ's resurrection in my home rather than relegating it to a single Sunday morning service once a year.

We started by putting up some decorations.  We will probably keep these up for several weeks this spring.  Easter doesn't need to be over just because that particular Sunday has passed.

I used the printable banner I made last year (grab a printable version of it for yourself right here.)

I also used some letter press blocks from Dayspring to spell the word Alleluia!

(They no longer sell these blocks, but they have lots of other Christ centered Easter decor.
He is Risen - Christ Centered Easter Decor


I have already found myself spontaneously singing out, “Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!”

I LOVE having this addition to our decor!


Click here to shop more Christ centered Easter decor from Dayspring.


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