Coming Soon... - Imperfect Homemaker

Coming Soon…

I know I have been quiet around here, and I really appreciate your patience with me. I thought it would be only fair to show you what I've been so busy working on…


Update!  My book is finished! Although it won't be officially released until December 31, it is available exclusively as part of The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle sale. Get it here!

Natural Help for Chronic Fatigue

I have come SO FAR in my journey with chronic fatigue, and I can't NOT share with you what I have learned! I have found that SO MANY women are dealing with the same kinds of issues that I fought for so long, and it has been my desire to tell you all the things that have helped me so much. That was honestly an overwhelming task, and I didn't quite know where to start. That's why it is all going into an ebook.

I give all the credit to my Lord Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, because it is ultimately He who has healed me.

In this book I am sharing the specific answers to which he so clearly directed me.

I plan to be finished within the next couple weeks, so if you will bear with my quietness a little longer, you will get a resource from it that I hope will be huge help to so many of you.

It is possible I may be able to make this available in a print format as well. Please let me know if you would be interested in that so I can check into the logistics of it.

I know many of you have prayed for me when I was struggling, and without YOU this project would never have come about!  Thank you for your prayers, your concern, and your support! I appreciate every single one of you!

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