Daily Supplements for the Busy Homemaker - Imperfect Homemaker

Daily Supplements for the Busy Homemaker

Good supplements to take to help keep you feeling your best


We all know that it's ideal to get your nutrition from the food you eat.  But if we're realistic we have to admit that doesn't always happen.  For one thing, much of the food available isn't as nutrient-dense as it could be due to depleted soil.  For another thing, we homemakers are just plain busy!  We don't slow down enough to even eat at all sometimes, much less to eat with intention to help our food digest and be properly absorbed.

But we can't afford to let our bodies live on less-than-stellar nutrition.  Ask me how I know.

These are the things I take every single day to help make sure my body has what it needs to function properly and be energized:


Micellized D3 – Vitamin D is so important for keeping the immune system functioning properly!  The best source is from sunlight, but many people are still deficient.  These drops are the easiest for the body to absorb.  It would be good to have your levels checked before you supplement and have a dr. prescribe the right dosage.  I am currently taking 10x the amount suggested on the bottle, but only because that is what the dr. ordered based on my levels!

Garden of Life RAW Probiotics – therapeutic grade probiotics; one of the few brands that arrive refrigerated so that they stay alive!

Garden of Life Cod Liver Oil – Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, and DHA are crucial nutrients to my health, especially when breastfeeding.  Taking a spoonful of this everyday ensures I get what I need.

Liquid Chlorophyll – provides magnesium and helps…ahem…keep you “regular”.  I used to buy the NOW brand, but I don’t see it on their site right now.

Vitamins – I can tell a huge difference in my energy level if I don’t take my vitamins.  These are an organic, whole-foods (non-synthetic) vitamin and herb blend.  I will probably always take the prenatals, pregnant or not.  I've found a good product, so I think I'll stick with it!


All of these items except for the Vitamin D I purchase through Vitacost as they  usually have the lowest price.  You can also get a coupon for $10 off a $30 purchase if you go through my referral link.


Find more of my favorite products to purchase from Vitacost here.



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