The Easiest, No-Brainer Way to Earn Extra Cash

The Easiest, No-Brainer Way to Earn Extra Cash

We're all looking for ways to earn extra cash, but before I go any further, I want to stop right here and make something very clear.  This makes the second post in a row on earning money.

That doesn't mean everything I post is now going to be all about money!  That's just the way the timetable happened to line up with these posts.

Using our money wisely, both in how we spend and how we earn, is an important aspect of homemaking; however, it should not be an all-consuming thing; only a small part of what we do.


Now that we got that out of the way, let me make sure you've been using the easiest, no-brainer way to earn extra cash that every single homemaker can do.

Such an easy way to earn extra cash - there's no reason not to do this!


Have you heard of Swagbucks?

I can't believe I haven't mentioned it to you sooner.  I've been using it for years, and I imagine a lot of you here have too.  But for those who are out of the loop, it's time to get in the loop!

I have earned hundreds (thousands?) of dollars from Swagbucks by doing nothing out of the ordinary.

The simplest way to use it is to use Swagbucks as your search engine.  Every time you use Swagbucks for a search, it will periodically award you with a random amount of Swagbucks.  Those Swagbucks can be redeemed for gift cards to various stores or even cash via PayPal.  My favorite way to redeem them is for Amazon gift cards.  Since I regularly shop at Amazon anyway, it's like getting free money!

Use the Swagbucks search engine for everything and your earnings will add up rather quickly.  For example, if you want to come to my blog, you can type Imperfect Homemaker into the Swagbucks search engine instead of coming directly here.  The more  you use it, the more you increase your chances of winning.


Over the last few years, Swagbucks has added a ton of additional (and quite easy) ways to earn.  I've neglected to use it as much as I should, and I know I've left a lot of money on the table because of it.  I'm excited to start exploring the quickest and easiest ways to earn which I'll share with you periodically.


But for now, let's get you started!  You're already online; you might as well be using the Swagbucks search engine and earning a little something for your time!


Just by signing up and completing your profile you start out with 30 Swagbucks right off the bat.

See how easy it is?!


Sign up through this link and start earning those gift cards!


Update 12/13!

Swagbucks has an incredible deal right now for all of you VISA customers out there – register your card via this offer and you'll get a $5 Gift Card of your choice (500 Swag Bucks) when you make a purchase of $1 or more at any Peets Coffee & Tea store! 

Did you hear that??  Spend $1 and get back $5!

The best part is that you can complete this offer up to 5 times, meaning you can get a total of $25 in FREE gift cards through this offer.


I told you it was easy to earn with Swagbucks!

Sign up here!





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