Elementary Anatomy Homeschool Curriculum Review - Imperfect Homemaker

Elementary Anatomy Homeschool Curriculum Review

I was sponsored by Masterbooks to review their Elementary Anatomy homeschool curriculum and am excited to share my experience!  As always, all opinions are 100% my own, and I am honored to partner with a company that I believe in.

Elementary Anatomy Homeschool Curriculum Review

Although this curriculum is for 3rd through 6th grade, I am actually using it with my 2nd and 3rd graders.  You know a curriculum is good when it is easy enough for younger children to understand without being to easy or babyish for older students.

Elementary Anatomy Homeschool Curriculum Review

What I liked:

  • Gorgeous, full-color photos and diagrams
  • Written with a Biblical worldview
  • Ready-made lesson plans
  • Lots of hands-on activities; most do not require special supplies other than household items
  • All-inclusive curriculum; all worksheets, tests, flashcards, etc. are included in the teacher book
  • Homeschooling families are free to copy consumable pages for use with multiple children


What I didn't quite love:

I am not very “mainstream” in my views when it comes to health and wellness.  The curriculum is written by an M.D. and the “mainstream” philosophies of the author have shown up a few times throughout the textbook.  That's not enough to make me dislike the curriculum by any means; just something to be aware of if you're a little more on the “alternative” side. 🙂


Overall conclusion: (aka “Would I choose this curriculum again?”)

Yes!  Without a doubt, yes!  Not only are these books gorgeous (which makes them very appealing to kids), the lessons are thorough without being too long; I like the ratio of bookwork to hands-on activity, the price is very reasonable, and (most importantly to me) it's a completely open-and-go curriculum – no planning for mom! (Yay!)

Elementary Anatomy Homeschool Curriculum Review


You  can purchase this curriculum on the Masterbooks website – and be sure to browse through all their other homeschooling products while you're there! Curriculum sets are 26% off through August 31st and there is FREE SHIPPING on any order over $75!



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