Free Coconut Oil From Tropical Traditions!
Every year at Christmas, Tropical Traditions offers a free quart of virgin coconut oil with any $19 purchase. This is a fabulous deal since the coconut oil is normally much more expensive than that on its own! It's the highest quality coconut oil I know of.
This offer is good today only!
I would combine it with current sales to get the best deal.
As one idea, their raw honey (it's absolutely amazing! — unlike any honey I've ever had!) is 50% off. So you could order 2 honeys at $10.99 each and pay a total of $21.98 for 2 jars of honey and a quart of coconut oil. (Plus shipping.)
Those would normally cost you $61.99!
To get in on this deal, just go here and you'll see the offer for the free coconut oil on the right side. Add it and $19 worth of other stuff to your cart and it will show up as $0 in your cart. (Don't forget to add the free coffee mug to your cart too!)
Let me know what you get!