Free Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions! - Imperfect Homemaker

Free Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions!

If you happen to be on the computer today, you absolutely must take advantage of this offer!

Free Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions!

Tropical Traditions is offering a FREE 32 oz. jar of their Gold Label Virgin Coconut oil through midnight, December 25th.

You must make a minimum purchase of $12.99 and pay shipping of around $6, but don't let that scare you.

The 32 oz. jar is normally $40, and this is about the highest quality coconut oil you're going to get.

As an idea to get to the $12.99 mark, the quart jars of expeller pressed coconut oil are on sale for $14.99, so you would end up getting that and 32 oz. of virgin coconut oil for $14.99+ shipping!  Regular prices for both of these would be $62.50!

I'm definitely getting my order in!

To get yours:

  • Go here and add the 32 oz. jar of Gold Label Virgin Coconut oil to your cart. (FYI: There are several places to add the 32 oz. jar, but there is one specifically that lists the price as $0.  It won't work unless you click that one!)
  • Add another $12.99 worth to your cart.  (The expeller pressed coconut oil is toward the bottom of this page if that's what you want.
  • The price of the virgin coconut oil will automatically be deducted at checkout.

Hurry!  This offer is only available through the end of Christmas day!


(Disclosure: I receive a small gift code from Tropical Traditions when you make a purchase through these links.  I greatly appreciate it!)

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