Happy Grandparent's Day: Giving the Gift of a Godly Heritage - Imperfect Homemaker

Happy Grandparent’s Day: Giving the Gift of a Godly Heritage

Guest post by Imperfect Homemaker contributor Andrea.

Godly Heritage jpg“The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.” (Psalm 16:6)

I am very blessed to come from a Christian home. My parents are Christians, my grandparents are Christians, and even most of my extended family are believers in Jesus Christ. As a third generation Christian, I thank God for my grandparents and their godly influence on my life.

On my mom’s side, my grandmother was saved at a Youth for Christ crusade prior to marrying to my grandpa. After they were married, and she wanted to be baptized, the pastor led my grandfather to the Lord. Shortly after my mom was born (she is #5 of 6 kids), the family moved from Iowa to Denver, Colorado. Since I grew up in Colorado also, I was very close to my grandparents. They were there for every “major” event in my life – from piano recitals, to birthdays, and everything in between.

Now there are 12 grandkids and 14 great-grandchildren on my mom’s side. Many of us are in vocational ministry. I know that my grandparents pray for us all, and they also give financially to the different ministries in which their children and grandchildren are serving.

Grandpa's 80th Birthday

My Grams and Gramps are on my dad’s side. I didn’t get to see them as often when I was growing up because they lived in Oklahoma. My Gramps had several health issues and went home to be with the Lord in August of 2010. As we sat around the living room sharing memories after the funeral, Grams told us that Gramps prayed for all of his grandchildren by name every morning. Now my Grams keeps a picture of all her “grands” and great-grandkids inside her quiet time briefcase. She often sends us a text as she updates the pictures, reminding us that she is praying for us. Many of her children and grandchildren are in full-time Christian ministry also.

Godby Family Reunion in Arkansas

Now that I have children of my own, I am getting to watch my parents and in-laws interact with my children. I see the excitement on Grandma’s face when my kids Skype her to say a new memory verse or sing the Countdown song together. I watch my kids playing in the backyard with Grandma pretending to be scared, and I hear Grandma tell them to pray. These interactions from godly grandparents are re-enforcing what I am teaching my children on a daily basis.

Great Grandma & Grandpa Paul

When I think about Grandparent’s Day, I think of the godly heritage that has been passed down to me.

I think of the Scripture readings on Christmas Eve.

I think of sitting on the porch with my grandpa and discussing Bible prophecy and Israel in the End Times.

I think of the prayers – so many countless prayers – that have been offered on my behalf by four praying grandparents.

I think of praying parents and in-laws holding me up as I shepherd my children (their grandchildren) to the Savior.

I think of the spiritual investment in my life and the lives of my children.

And then I think, “That’s the kind of grandparent I want to be.”

I won't wake up one day as a grandmother and decide that I am going to be a godly grandparent.  I am making the decision now what kind of grandparent I will be then through my daily choices as I influence my children in their youth.  By pouring the Gospel and the Word of God into my children now, I can reap the reward of godly grandchildren later. By giving up my own desires now in order to mother my children, I can rejoice in the future as my children and grandchildren are serving the Lord. By praying for my children and their future spouses, I can influence the next generation for Christ.

Yes – I feel so blessed to be from a Christian home. Maybe you are a first generation Christian. You don’t have that godly heritage to look back on, but you do have the opportunity to start passing it on now to the next generation. Give your grandchildren the gift of a godly heritage.  << Click to tweet that!

Happy Grandparent's Day!

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