The No-Coupon Way To Save Big On Your Grocery Bill - Imperfect Homemaker

The No-Coupon Way To Save Big On Your Grocery Bill

The No-Coupon Way to Save Big on Your Grocery Bill

If you've been a long-time reader, or if you've done a bit of poking around on my site, you may know that I used to be quite the coupon clipper.  When we cut out most processed foods (we thought we weren't eating processed foods, but we were wrong!  If it's in a box, bag, or can on the grocery store shelf, it's processed food.) we found that real, whole foods were costing us much more than I had been paying for all the coupon deals. The thing is, healthy food costs more when you've been used to getting stuff for pennies or even free with coupons.  But it's worth it! However, as a penny-pincher, I simply can't stand spending more on anything than is absolutely necessary, so I've spent much time trying to find the best prices on things. I was so excited when I saw Shannon's new eCourse, Grocery Savings Made Simple.


Grocery Savings Made Simple

Shannon also feeds her family real, whole foods, so I knew this course was not going to be based on coupon-clipping and circular comparison.  In fact the course description says the following:


In this 4-week eCourse, you’ll learn how to cut your grocery budget, yet…

  • Never clip a coupon
  • Never look at store circulars or pay attention to sales
  • Save money by cooking-from-scratch with minimal extra kitchen time
  • Pay less for the healthy foods your family enjoys (no unhealthy or beans-only diets)

In each lesson, you’ll learn how to get the maximum savings with minimum effort because you’re busy and you have other things you’d rather be doing than worrying about your grocery budget.

Maximum savings with minimum effort is exactly what every homemaker wants! The course is only $37, and when you consider the fact that Shannon saved over $2000 on her grocery bill last year with this system, your $37 will pay for itself very quickly!




If you're in need of some personalized help and hand-holding with navigating through the waters of this healthy eating stuff without going broke, I recommend you give her course a try.  I think you will be pleased!

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