Help for Disorganized People: Getting Started - Imperfect Homemaker

Help for Disorganized People: Getting Started

For the previous posts in this series, check out

{Help for Disorganized People: Part 1}

{9 Reasons You Procrastinate}

{Overcoming Roadblocks to Organization}

{Overcoming Roadblocks to Organization: Part 2}

{What to Do When You Get Off Track}


Help for Disorganized People - full series

 Now that you know what you need to do to get organized, you have to actually get started!

If you're having trouble getting started, it's very possible that you're making it harder than it has to be. A lot of us disorganized procrastinators tend to look at everything at once, which can be very overwhelming. Learning how to break things down into smaller chunks will help you get started a lot more easily. In fact, it's as easy as learning your ABC's.

A — Take Action

You've spent enough time learning; you know what to do. You're going to learn even more from doing than you are from reading about and thinking about doing something. So, take action today! Pick one small thing and go for it!


B — Break it Down


The way to truly “go for it” is to break everything down into smaller, doable chunks.  Need to organize a room.  Start by looking for all the trash in the room and throwing it away.  You can do that.  When that job is finished, choose one shelf to declutter.  Don't start on another job until each thing is finished.  Focus on one small task at a time. Before you know it, all those small tasks will add up to big success.


C — Create Momentum


Momentum simply means forward progress. In order to create forward progress you got started, you broke it down to small, workable chunks, and now you have to keep going! As you keep moving forward, everything you've done adds up to create bigger and larger success.


In Conclusion


Letting go of procrastination and getting organized is a critical skill to learn. It's far too easy to just let things pile up until you start facing overwhelm. But if you keep your aim high, and focus on the small picture, you can beat overwhelm and finally get organized. Getting organized will allow you to keep track of even more amazing ideas, enable you to get more from your ideas, drastically lower your stress, and help you waste less time!


What is the first small task you will do?

(And if you haven't already joined our Homemaking Challenges group, focusing on one small task at a time is exactly what we're doing!  It's a lot more fun to work together with other homemakers who have similar struggles.  Come join us!)



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