Homemaking Update December 2020 - Imperfect Homemaker

Homemaking Update December 2020

It seems like so much of my update involves books! I promise I do more than read all day. I have made a habit of reading before I go to bed each night, and it is surprising how many books you can get through if you read a little every day.




I finished 5 books last month:

(Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links.)

  1. I'll Pray for You: A Christian Woman's Guide to Surviving Domestic Violence by Donna Wayles



As an advocate for victims of domestic abuse, I try to keep a handle on new reading material I can recommend. This is an excellent book for both victims and for those who wish to be a help. You might be shocked at what goes on behind the closed doors of the homes of families you know. Donna's story is one example among countless that I know. Although she attended a good church, the people there just did not have enough knowledge about how to detect domestic abuse or what to do when they did become aware of it. Would you know what to do? Donna's story can help equip you to be a true friend to a Christian woman in need.  Purchase here.



2. The Naked Gospel: The Truth You May Never Hear in Church by Andrew Farley


This is a new author to me, but I was so very encouraged by this book! The book begins by presenting some premises that you may react strongly toward or think that you completely disagree. However, I encourage you to keep reading. This book took me a good while to read, because I did a lot of stopping to look up every scripture in its context, ponder the author's points, and jot down counter-arguments and questions. Sometimes something that seemed contrary to what I believed was simply a matter of semantics or a different (usually more clear) way of explaining it. Sometimes it was as if he had anticipated my question ahead of time and gave his answer to it within the next page or two. My encouragement to the reader is not necessarily to come to every exact conclusion the author leads you to, but rather to use what you read to provide a springboard for your own thinking and studying, allowing the spirit to guide you into all truth. This is a book about the gospel and its power – not just to provide us with eternal life, but to give us abundant life in the here and now. Purchase here.


3. The Pastor's Wife by Sabina Wurmbrand

Perhaps you are familiar with the story of Richard Wurmbrand, who wrote the book Tortured for Christ, which was about his experience being imprisoned and tortured for his faith in Communist Romania. The Pastor's Wife is his wife Sabina's story, who was also imprisoned for her faith. The entire family, including their son, suffered in unspeakable ways; however they never lost their faith and their joy in the Lord. While Sabina's story is a narrative account of everything she went through, I found myself picking up nugget after nugget of spiritual wisdom that could only have been obtained when one has had their faith stretched to its maximum capacity as Sabina did. I was encouraged to live my life wholly for Christ, to love the brethren with a pure heart even when I do not always have the same opinions or methods of doing things as they do, and to pray fervently for those who are in bonds and who are actively suffering as followers of Christ.  Purchase the book here.


4. God's Double Agent by Bob Fu


I was encouraged by Bob's testimony of God's faithfulness in his life. The circumstances of how God drew Bob to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and how He directed Bob's life in so many ways was a blessing to read. This book will make you grateful to live in a country where we have to freedom to believe what we like and to share Jesus with others without fear of imprisonment or death. It's important to be aware of what Christians in countries like China go through in order to bear the name of Christ, and I am driven to pray that I too will have the same devotion to Him as they do. Purchase this book here.



5. Fire Road: The Napalm Girl's Journey Through the Horrors of War to Faith, Forgiveness, and Peace



I never tire of reading testimonies of God's goodness in the lives of others. Although Kim Phuc (“the Napalm girl”) suffered the horrors of war, God never ceased to draw her toward himself with his marvelous love. He protected her and He directed her step by step, allowing others to help meet her needs, and in turn she has been a blessing to many people all across the world. Purchase the book here.



Where I get books to read

I read 90% of my books on the Scribd app. I pay $9.99 a month, and I can read or listen to whatever I want on the app. (You don't own the books permanently, but you can read or listen to anything as long as you have a subscription.) They have just about everything on my book list available. Rarely do they not have a book that I'm wanting to read or listen to. I really love it because I spend far less than I would to purchase new books, while at the same time keeping my home clutter free. (Click here to try it free for 60 days.)



Other things I did this month:


I busted out my huge 10 qt. Instant Pot for the first time. I have two 6 qt. pots that I use daily, but I had been wanting a larger one so that I can make enough food for our family of 7 to actually have leftovers!

I was able to fit 35 potatoes in here and make a humongous batch of mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving. The 10 qt. is definitely going to be a welcome addition to my kitchen (even though it is a beast to find a place for!)   Get the 10 qt. Instant Pot here.


I also loaded up my freezer with another huge haul of meat from ButcherBox.

The longer I have my subscription, the more I love it! I've been able to try more and more types of meat, and have been impressed with every single thing. This time we filled our freezer with:

  • Chicken tenders
  • Chicken breasts
  • Chicken wings
  • Chicken drumsticks
  • Beef roast
  • Ground beef
  • Hamburger patties
  • Hot dogs
  • Bacon
  • Ground pork
  • Ground bison
  • Ground turkey
  • Salmon patties
  • Cod filets
  • Pre-cooked pulled pork

We are not well off; however, with Butcherbox we can afford to purchase quality, grass-fed/pasture raised meat. I posted all the details about how to get the best deal on a subscription. Read that here: How to Get the Best Deal on a Butcherbox Subscription.





Homeschooling has been taking up more time than ever lately. On one end I am trying to get my middle schooler ready for high school, and on the other end I am doing preschool with my youngest.

Fun fact: I made this set of flashcards for my oldest child nine years ago, and now here I am using them for the last time. It's amazing how quickly time goes by.



Goals for this month:

Honestly I just want to enjoy the month of December with my kids, while still being consistent with our homeschooling, and all of the daily routines I already try to stick to (eating healthfully, spending daily time with God, etc.)

Christmas is all about Jesus (LIFE is all about Him!) and I want to have plenty of room in my mind to keep my gaze upon Him.


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