Huggies Snug and Dry Ultra Diapers (And How to Win $2000 Toward the Project of Your Choice!) - Imperfect Homemaker

Huggies Snug and Dry Ultra Diapers (And How to Win $2000 Toward the Project of Your Choice!)

Want to win $2000 toward a community project just by loving on your babies?

Of course you do!  And it's easy!


Here's the scoop:

  1. Share a selfie of you and baby on Twitter or Instagram and nominate a community
    project in need such as a local park, playground, or rec-center. Tag the post with
  2. You can post between now and June 25 to enter. Beginning July 6, Huggies will feature
    20 of the nominated projects HERE. The top 10 will receive community project grants of $2000!


Here's my selfie on Instagram:

huggies2Just enjoying a morning cuddling with my little princess! #Ultrahug



Before I posted my selfie, though, I took my little sweetie on a quick trip to Walmart to grab some Snug & Dry Ultra diapers.

She had fun picking them out!

Huggies Snug and Dry

The new Huggies® Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers, which are available exclusively at Walmart, now
offer improved protection at a better value.  With up to 12 hours of long-lasting leakage protection, they keep baby dry and comfortable.

Mom certainly doesn't mind the Walmart price for such long-lasting protection!

And of course, one just absolutely cannot beat the loads of fun to be had unloading the diapers from the box!



And closing the box back up nice and neat when we're finished is a must!

huggies snug and dry

I'm looking forward to seeing your #UltraHug selfies on Twitter and Instagram!  Follow me there as I'll be posting reminders throughout the month!

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