Anissa Rodriguez Tattoos & Meanings – Wise Owls to Cute Psychedelic Flowers!
Anissa Rodriguez tattoos are brightly coloured and cute and one of her first tattoos was a fabulous ‘modern art’ version of an owl – with ‘music’ at its heart!

(Anissa Rodriguez tattoos – original solo owl tattoo)
The colourful inking style is enclosed by traditional black outlines. This stunning multi-coloured owl looks perfect on Anissa’s upper arm – especially against the black back-ground of Anissa’s hair, frock and accessories.
Witty touches
As a reference to Anissa’s successful music career with Eyes Set to Kill, it’s been personalised to include an upside-down treble and bass clef forming a heart-shaped red outline that’s also the owl’s body!
So it’s a very witty tattoo design including the traditional ‘wisdom’ associated with owls, plus music and love!
Anissa Rodriguez tattoos start ‘growing’
Whilst on the road for the 2010 Warped Tour, Anissa Rodriguez’ tattoos started to blossom and spread to form a more complete ‘woodland scene’.

(Anissa Rodriguez tattoos – owl with branch and flowers)
Anissa had a tree-branch tattooed to form a handy perch for the owl, and some large brightly inked flowers at the left-side.
There’s obviously a gentle breeze blowing in this idyllic scene as there are a couple of petals floating across the owl’s body.
Tree-top finishes off the owl tattoo

(Anissa Rodriguez tattoos – owl with tree-top added)
And later on, Anissa Rodriguez tattoos ‘branched out’ even further, with a really cool tree-top tat making a great frame for the owl in the centre!
Anissa’s Wrist tattoo

(Anissa Rodriguez tattoos – greyscale owl in oblong frame on right wrist)
And on her wrist, Anissa Rodriguez tattoos show another dainty, greyscale owl in a neat, oblong frame that looks like traditional ‘wood-cut’ art – so she really likes owl images!
Anissa Rodriguez tattoos – back
Like all the members of Eyes Set to Kill, Anissa Rodriguez tattoos include the warrior tri-force symbol from The Legend of Zelda vid game.

(Warrior-woman tri-force power symbol – Anissa Rodriguez tattoos)
Anissa’s tri-force tattoo appears on her right back shoulder-blade, (sis Alexia Rodriguez has the tri-force tattoo on her upper foot – see Alexia Rodriguez tattoos here).
Mystery tattoo
Underneath the geometric lines of the tri-force, there’s a crescent-shaped tattoo – but up to now there aren’t any clear photos of it online, so nobody really knows what it is yet!
(I think it could be a vintage-style crescent moon with a face, but I’m just guessing!)

There is a crescent moon with a face tattooed on her right shoulder blade between her owl and triforce tattoos.
(Anissa Rodriguez tattoos – crescent and large pink daisy on back)

She got this DIY stick-and-poke alien head tattoo on the inside of her right ankle in September 2014.

Anissa has a tattoo on the side of her hand which looks like an eye.

Anissa and her husband Ryan Reyes have matching “<3″ heart emoticon tattoos on their ankles.
And beneath the crescent we’re back where we started – admiring the fabulous colours of that very alert-looking owl! I reckon Anissa’s a bit of a romantic at heart – what do you think?