7 Tips to Get Best Tan Fast and Safely
Everyone aspires to achieve that lovely, sun-kissed glow that comes from a good tan. However, spending hours under the hot sun in order to get tan can cause extreme, lasting damage to your skin. If you’re hoping to get a bronzed, tan glow without risking life-long skin damage, keep reading to discover seven tips to get tan safely.
1. Always Wear Sunscreen
It is a total myth that sunscreen blocks your ability to get tan. Wearing sunscreen does not mean that your skin won’t darken; it just means that your skin will be protected from the sun’s harsh and harmful rays while you tan. Before you head out to lay poolside, make sure that you apply ample sunscreen to protect your skin as thoroughly as possible.
2. More Time Doesn’t Equal More Tan
It’s a little-known fact that the amount of time you spend tanning is not necessarily in direct proportion with how tan you get. Your body can only produce so much melanin at one time, so tanning for six hours is probably not going to bronze your skin any more than tanning for about one hour. Knowing this fact can help you cut down on your tanning time and reduce your risk of developing skin damage.
3. Drink Coffee
Caffeine intake can increase your ability to get more tan, more quickly. An hour or so before you head out for a tanning session, try popping a caffeine pill or bring your iced coffee with you to the beach. You’ll be able to get tan faster so you won’t have to spend so much time in the sun.
4. Get a Body Bronzer
Bronzer isn’t just for your face. Many bronzer formulas are designed for use on your body as well. Basically any bronzer formula with a matte, long-lasting finish can be used on your body as well as your face. Just use a large brush to swipe some across your chest, neck, legs, and anywhere else you want to achieve a quick, warm glow.
5. Try a Professional Fake Tan
Fake tanning lotions and sprays are consistently mentioned as a safer alternative to sun-tanning. While this is true, it can also be incredibly difficult and frustrating to try to achieve an even, natural-looking tan with your own at-home fake tanning product.
Instead of opting for an at-home tanning treatment, try treating yourself to a professional fake tan instead. These tans last longer than most DIY tanning lotions, and they’re guaranteed to be even and look natural.
6. Exfoliate
Before you start tanning, gently exfoliate your skin with a mild scrub. Exfoliation sloughs off your top layer of dead skin cells and can help you achieve a more even tan in less time. This quick, even tanning prevents you from having to spend too much time out in the sun.(Find more tips on prettydesigns.com)
7. Wear Sunglasses
The skin around your eyes is one of the most delicate and sensitive parts of your body. It is important to protect this area of skin as well as your eyes themselves by wearing sunglasses every time you go out into the sun.
If you plan on spending ample time tanning on your back and are afraid of getting an uneven sunglasses tan, try covering your face with a towel instead. This trick will keep your skin cool and your eyes protected while ensuring an even tan as well.
Getting tan doesn’t have to be a death sentence for your healthy skin. The next time you’re feeling like your legs are looking a bit pasty, don’t reach for the baby oil. Instead, use the seven tips to get tan safely in this post to save your skin and still get a tan.