Home Decorating Archives - Pretty Designs https://www.prettydesigns.com/home-decorating/ Outfits, Makeups, Nail Arts, Tattoos, Hairstyles Sun, 07 Jan 2024 04:06:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.prettydesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/fav-1.png Home Decorating Archives - Pretty Designs https://www.prettydesigns.com/home-decorating/ 32 32 7 Ways To Decorate Your Home With Flowers https://www.prettydesigns.com/7-ways-to-decorate-your-home-with-flowers/ Tue, 18 Jan 2022 05:27:57 +0000 https://www.prettydesigns.com/?p=84591 Are you looking for ways to decorate your home with flowers? Do you want to add a touch of elegance and class to your home décor? Or are you simply looking for ways to spruce up your living space? Whatever the reason, including flowers in your home décor, is a

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10 Incredible Living Room Ideas to Redesign your Home https://www.prettydesigns.com/10-incredible-living-room-ideas-to-redesign-your-home/ Thu, 22 Oct 2020 10:25:31 +0000 https://www.prettydesigns.com/?p=83051 The living room is one of the most commonly used spaces in the house. It’s where the family comes together, and memories are made. For a space that is arguably one of the most important spaces in a home, it makes sense that you would want to put some thought

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How Wall Stickers can add the Final Touches to your House and Make a Statement https://www.prettydesigns.com/how-wall-stickers-can-add-the-final-touches-to-your-house-and-make-a-statement/ Sat, 01 Aug 2020 23:54:01 +0000 https://www.prettydesigns.com/?p=83114 We love making changes to our homes. Since most of us now spend maximum time working from home or managing children and their schedules, keeping the house looking modern and fresh is imperative. Children, senior citizens, and working adults start feeling bogged down with the constant strain and pressure of

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10 Dorm Room DIYs To Make Your Room Feel Homey https://www.prettydesigns.com/10-dorm-room-diys-make-room-feel-homey/ Fri, 21 Apr 2017 16:45:15 +0000 http://www.prettydesigns.com/?p=72262 Moving into a dorm room can be scary but is a great opportunity. It’s an entirely new room that you have a chance to decorate…obviously with some limits of course. Regardless, there are a lot of DIYs out there to make your room uniquely you and give it an extra

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12 DIY Ideas to Transfer Photos to Wood https://www.prettydesigns.com/12-diy-ideas-transfer-photos-wood/ Sun, 18 Dec 2016 03:16:30 +0000 http://www.prettydesigns.com/?p=78816 You are preparing the decorations for your house? You want something pretty and creative this year? Why not try to make some DIY projects and have some good decorations? Today we will offer some DIY projects for you to transfer photos to wood. You can hang the DIY crafts on

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17 DIY Tutorials to Make Candles in Mason Jars https://www.prettydesigns.com/17-diy-tutorials-make-candles-mason-jars/ Thu, 08 Dec 2016 09:57:38 +0000 http://www.prettydesigns.com/?p=78523 Are you a DIY lover? You are lucky to find out our post. Today’s post is all about DIY projects. It is time for DIY lovers to get their hands busy. We have collected some tutorials for you to make candles on your own. This time you will learn how

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20 DIY Tutorials for Christmas Decorating Projects https://www.prettydesigns.com/20-diy-tutorials-christmas-decorating-projects/ Fri, 02 Dec 2016 04:23:35 +0000 http://www.prettydesigns.com/?p=78321 When you open your eyes, you find that it is December! Christmas is approaching. Have you got some plans or preparation for the holidays? If you are a DIY lover, you won’t miss the Christmas DIY crafts. Are you searching for some DIY tutorials for money-saving projects? You are lucky

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15 DIY Projects for You to Enjoy Winter at Home https://www.prettydesigns.com/15-diy-projects-enjoy-winter-home/ Thu, 03 Nov 2016 02:25:35 +0000 http://www.prettydesigns.com/?p=77788 Sometimes you don’t want to go outside and just stay at home and enjoy a cup of coffee. However, you may think of doing something to kill the time. If you are a DIY lover, you will love the DIY projects. We will offer you some DIY projects to spend

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13 Storage Ideas to Save Your Space https://www.prettydesigns.com/13-storage-ideas-save-space/ Sat, 22 Oct 2016 10:06:00 +0000 http://www.prettydesigns.com/?p=77554 Look at your room for a second! What did you find? Your bags lay in your bed? The pieces of clothing were thrown here and there? You forgot to put your outfit back your wardrobe yesterday? Finally, you find that you have little space to move because you make your

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12 Ways to Have a Perfect Summer Wedding https://www.prettydesigns.com/ways-to-have-a-perfect-summer-wedding/ Sat, 05 Mar 2016 15:13:16 +0000 http://www.prettydesigns.com/?p=66272 Hey girls! Are you enjoying the beautiful summer days. I heard that some of you will become a bride very soon. Is it true? However, I’ll be very glad if there’s really a wedding going to happen these days, as you won’t need to worry about the day being too

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