7 Reasons Lip Gloss is Underrated
With the matte and metallic liquid lipstick trend taking its hold, lip gloss seems to be becoming a forgotten trend of the ’90s and early ’00s. Despite how gorgeous liquid lipstick is, lip gloss should not be undermined as a valid and gorgeous lip product.

If you want to know why lip gloss is so great, keep reading to learn the top seven reasons lip gloss is underrated.
1. It’s Easy
Have you ever spent an inordinate amount of time in front of your bathroom mirror applying lipstick? Lipstick, whether in the form of a liquid or a solid bullet, can be incredibly difficult to put on perfectly.
Lip gloss, on the other hand, can virtually be smeared on in the back of a moving car and still end up looking gorgeous and glam. There is barely any precision required when it comes to lip gloss. If you’re in a rush in the morning, it’s the perfect lip product for a grab-and-go application.
2. You Can Rub Your Lips
Lipstick is great, but it can severely limit the amount of things you can actually do with your lips. When you wear lipstick, eating, drinking, speaking, and even rubbing your lips together has to be done with care or not at all.
Lip gloss has much fewer restrictions. You can rub your lips together and eat your lunch all you want without worrying about your lipstick getting smeared out of place or on your teeth.
3. It Smells Good
One of the biggest complaints about liquid lipstick is that it has a distinct scent of paint. No one wants to apply paint to their lips, yet many of us swipe on paint-smelling products every day.
Many, if not most, lip glosses come with a refreshingly pleasant scent. You’ll want to keep re-applying it all day long just for another whiff of that sugary sweet smell.
4. It Transitions Off Nicely
If lipstick gets smeared or fades throughout the day, it can end up on your teeth, on your skin, or just looking flaky and gross on your lips. Lip gloss transitions off of your lips much more nicely than liquid or solid lipstick. Even if it starts to fade or rub off, smeared lip gloss doesn’t call attention to itself and still looks cute until the very end.
5. It’s Subtle
Bright red lips are great, but sometimes you just don’t want your lips to steal the show. For an everyday, natural look, a sheer lip gloss provides you with the perfect tint of color and shiny finish without overpowering your look.
6. It’s Kissable
Let’s face it, it’s extremely difficult to wear lipstick around your boyfriend or husband. While it might be funny to you when they end up with lipstick smeared all over their lips and neck, it usually isn’t as amusing to them.
Lip gloss is much more effortlessly kissable than lipstick or other lip products. It feels much softer and more natural than lipstick. Plus, even if it does rub off on your man, it won’t be very noticeable and is easy to remove.
7. It Doesn’t Dry Out Your Lips
Lipstick can be extremely drying to your lips. Lip gloss can actually have the opposite effect and add much-needed hydration to your lips throughout the day. If your lips are feeling extra dry, reach for your lip gloss instead of your liquid lipstick to give you a pop of color and moisture.

Lip gloss is pretty great, right? It might not be at the top of Kylie Jenner’s liquid lipstick empire, but beauty lovers would be remiss to leave lip gloss in the dust. The next time you’re thinking about your lip product choices for the day, keep these seven reasons lip gloss is underrated in mind.
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