How to Do a Perfect Wake-Up Workout
Everyone knows that exercise is important for your health, especially if you’re actively trying to lose weight or gain muscle tone. However, many of us keep extremely busy schedules that do not allow much time for working out every day. If you feel like you never have enough time to squeeze in the exercise you know you need, keep reading to learn how to do a perfect wake-up workout in only a few minutes that can help you start your day off right with cardio, strength, and toning exercises.
1. 10 Push Ups
Push ups are a classic, timeless exercise that give you an excellent core workout. Not only do they strengthen your core in order to allow you to build more strength and toning in all areas of your body, but they also work out tons of muscles in your upper body. The upper body muscles that push ups exercise include your chest, arms, shoulder, back, triceps, and neck.
Start your wake-up workout off with ten, good push ups to warm you up for more exercise. Make sure to keep your back straight and your butt in to maximize the effectiveness of your push ups.
2. 10 Squats
Make your booty pop by transitioning from push ups to ten squats. Doing squats is an excellent way to work out the muscles in your legs, including your quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings. Squats also build up muscle in your butt to help you achieve the perfect, rounded booty.
When you do squats, make sure that you keep your legs shoulder-width apart and keep your back straight. You also need to bend your knees to a low, chair-sitting position in order to reap the maximum benefits from your squats.
3. 10 Lunges (Per Leg)
Lunges are an excellent way to work out your lower body. They build muscle and tone your butt as well as all of your leg muscles, including your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. Lunges are especially efficient at toning your inner thighs to help you achieve that coveted thigh gap.
As soon as you’re done with your squats, jump right into lunges. Do ten lunges per leg to ensure that you’re maintaining evenness in your workout.
4. 10 Jumping Jacks
Get your heart pumping first thing in the morning with ten jumping jacks. Jumping jacks not only elevate your heart rate and burn calories, but they also help build muscles and tone your entire body, including your legs, butt, stomach, and arms.
5. 30 Second Wall Sit
Cool down and let your heart rate go back to normal by finishing off your wake-up workout with a thirty second wall sit. Wall sits help build muscle in the fronts of your thighs as well as your inner thighs and hamstrings in order to slim and tone your legs.
It can be hard to motivate yourself to find the time within your hectic schedule to exercise. The next time you wake up feeling sluggish, up your energy and start your day with cardio and strength by using this post to do a perfect wake-up workout that takes five minutes or less.