7 Easy Useful Tips For Hydration This Summer
Sufficient hydration is a big part of beauty. Drinking enough water contributes to healthy, more beautiful skin, hair, and nails and helps prevent dryness and brittleness as well as breakouts and uneven skin tone. However, drinking enough water every day isn’t always easy. Our bodies require several cups of water per day to stay sufficiently hydrated, which is sometimes difficult to fit into your daily schedule.
Keep reading to discover seven tips for hydration this summer to help you drink enough water during the warmer months this year.
1. Make a Routine
It might seem strange to create a routine for hydration, but doing so can help you get into the habit of drinking enough water every day if you usually skimp on hydration throughout the day.
When you first wake up in the morning, drink two cups of cool water to get your metabolism going. Repeat this routine before you go to sleep at night. While it’s important to drink additional cups of water throughout the day, making this simple, easy-to-follow routine a habit automatically ensures that you drink four cups of water every day even if you don’t get enough throughout the rest of the day.
2. Set Goals
Setting goals for hydration is just another way of instilling the importance of drinking water in your mind and making proper hydration an unbreakable habit in your daily life.
Mark your hydration goal in your calendar, on a piece of paper, or in the notes on your phone or computer. Every time you meet your goal on a certain day, add a check mark or a smiley face next to that day wherever you keep track of your goals. This positive reinforcement can help motivate you to keep up with proper hydration so you can feel good about yourself at the end of the day.
3. Make Drinking Water Fun
Let’s face it. When you’re faced with a myriad of other drinks (soda, juice, alcohol) during the summer, drinking water seems downright boring. There are easy ways to spice up water to ensure you keep up a sufficient water intake every day, even when you have other, less healthier beverage choices.
A great way to add flavor to your water to make it less boring is to add fruit to your water. Invest in an infusion water bottle that has a special compartment for fruit to be placed within the bottle. Before you leave your house in the morning, fill your bottle with water and add citrus slices to the fruit infusion compartment to add a fun, fruity twist to your daily water supply.
4. Get an App
It’s important to drink water even when you don’t feel physically thirsty. One of the biggest problems with proper hydration is simply forgetting to drink enough water. While an app that monitors your water intake might seem superfluous, it can actually be really helpful in reminding you to drink enough water throughout the day.
Apps like Daily Water and Waterlogged are available in the app store of any smartphone. These apps remind you to drink water periodically throughout the day. They also track your water intake and log it daily so you can easily view your progress and determine whether or not you’ve been reaching your hydration goals.
5. Get a Portable Water Bottle
This tip cannot be stressed enough. Investing in a portable water bottle that you can take with you to work, to the beach, to a friend’s house, and wherever else you go as a part of your daily schedule is paramount to keeping up a sufficient hydration schedule.
Pick a water bottle that is large enough to hold at least three cups of water at a time but is not too bulky to carry around with you in your bag or car. Investing in a bottle that keeps contents cold for several hours might motivate you to drink more water as well. Try to fill up your bottle at least twice throughout the day and drink until its empty.
6. Eat Fruit
When you don’t feel like drinking water but know that you need additional fluids to stay hydrated, turn to fruit.
Many fruits, such as watermelon and grapes, include an abundance of water and electrolytes that can help keep you hydrated throughout the day.
7. Remember the Importance of Hydration
Keeping the countless benefits of hydration in mind can be one of the most effective motivators for drinking enough water throughout the day.
Hydration is vital to every part of your body. It promotes the health of your organs, muscles, bones, and skin. Plus, it contributes to easy weight loss, gives you more energy, and improves your memory and cognitive functions
Use the seven tips for hydration this summer in this post to help motivate you to drink the water your body and mind needs every day.