Is There Trash In Your Closet? - Imperfect Homemaker

Is There Trash In Your Closet?

I started working my way through my friend Elsie's book today.

(This one: )

Your Simple Home Handbook













I'm always trying to declutter and get rid of stuff we don't need, but now that Christmas is over and the house has been filled with lots of new things that were given to us as gifts, it's time to do a major purge.


(You can join me in the Homemaking Challenges group on Facebook if you'd like!)


So the first section in the book is the bedroom, and the first thing in there is the closet.

I started in on it, but I only got through my skirts and dresses before I needed to shut things down for the day.

I started by taking everything out and putting it into piles of things I truly love, things that are “okay”, things I definitely want to get rid of, and things I need to mend.

Decluttering the closet


Then I put back in all the things that I love.

Decluttering the closet

Since I had plenty of things that I love I went ahead and got rid of all the things that were only “okay”.

Decluttering the Closet

I had a pile of things I had to deal with – things to take to the thrift store, things to give away to others I know could use them, things to mend, things that had stains but that I wanted to try and salvage.


But, take a look.  There is a trash bag there.  Some of my clothes went into the trash.


I don't consider myself a pack rat.  I try really hard to get rid of stuff right away.  But I still had things hanging in there that I didn't even realize were stained beyond repair because it had been so long since I wore them.

(And some things sat in there and yellowed.  What's with that?)


How long has it been since you cleaned out your closet?  I mean since you really gave it a good, ruthless overhaul?

-No saving things because you paid good money for them but you don't really care for them.
-No saving things because you hope to fit into them again someday.
-No saving things because they're sentimental or were one of your favorites but they don't fit anymore or they're stained and ruined.



Leave me a comment and tell me if there's any trash in your closet!

(And if you'd like a copy of the book I'm working through, you can grab one right here.)

Is There Trash in Your Closet?



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