It's Gonna Be a Quiet Week - Imperfect Homemaker

It’s Gonna Be a Quiet Week

You all are the BEST blog readers!

You seem to get the fact that I don't consider myself a blogger; I'm just a mom and a homemaker who happens to have a blog.

I don't hang out in this space unless my home responsibilities are complete.

I would be a really big hypocrite to have a blog encouraging you to be a more intentional homemaker if I were here blogging all the time rather than taking care of my home and family.

I usually find time during my kids naps to write some blog posts, answer emails, and visit with you on Facebook, but this week will be different.

I have a REALLY big behind-the-scenes project that I need to finish up this week.  Something I hope will be a huge help to many of you.

But since my blogging time is very limited, I have to let something else go.  That means all the fun stuff, like posting new things and interacting with you all.

I'm here.  I really am.  I just need to finish this project.


Will you wait for me?


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