Join Me for 31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking! - Imperfect Homemaker

Join Me for 31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking!

31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking | A Series for Christian Homemakers


Are you easily overwhelmed with all that you need to do?

Between taking care of the house, loving on your husband and kids, and caring for your own health and well-being, you just don't know where to start, so you don't start anywhere.  Am I right?

But, you see, you miss out on so much by saying you don't have time, when in reality you could accomplish a lot of if you just stopped staring at it all and got to work!  You may not be able to reach your lofty ideals, but getting things done, even imperfectly, is better than doing nothing at all, isn't it?

Each day in October I will be posting a daily challenge to help you OVERCOME YOUR OVERWHELM.

I'll give you a job to do regarding your house, your family, your health, or your spiritual growth, and you will do it.  The point is not to spend hours doing these things perfectly, but just to get something done!  At the end of the month, you will be amazed and refreshed to see how much you've accomplished!

Ready to join me? Sign up below and select which categories you'd like to receive in your inbox.  (For this series, anything having to do with loving on  your kids will go into the homeschooling category, so select that if you want kid-related challenges.)

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Don't forget to open the confirmation email after subscribing or you won't receive any emails!

Join me on Instagram throughout the challenge by using the hashtag #imperfecthomemaker.  I'd love to see pictures of your progress!

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