Keep Good Going - Imperfect Homemaker

Keep Good Going

This post was sponsored by New York Life. Find out how New York Life can help you and your family Keep Good Going by visiting newyorklife.com/keepgoodgoing

How can you keep good going in your life?  In the video below, you'll see how a young man was encouraged through the example of his uncle.  Then keep reading and I'll tell you a little about myself and how I hope to keep good going.



(If you could not view the video above, be sure to watch My Uncle’s Gift on Youtube.)


I know firsthand how important it is for families to use the gifts they have to encourage the next generation to be all that they can be.

From the time I was a little girl, I was encouraged to work hard and develop the talents that God has given me.  My most noted ability was in the area of music, and my parents recognized it as a special gift from God.  They ensured that I had piano lessons at the earliest age possible, and did everything they could to give me every opportunity to use my gift.  My mother was musically gifted and I she taught me by her own example to use my gift to be a blessing to others.  Our family often sang together in church, and performing music for the others was almost always a part of family get-togethers.

As I grew, my musical gifts grew too.  My parents did not force me to practice and take lessons, but they made sure my circumstances were conducive to making my love of music flourish.  Lessons were always provided with no hesitation even though there were times when it was probably a financial sacrifice.  Music books were given to me as gifts and good music was constantly being played on the tape player or radio in our house.  My family endured countless hours of hearing me practice boring, repititious scales, repeating difficult sections of songs over and over, and often had to listen to my mindless doodling on the piano as well.

If they would have complained about having to listen to my constant piano pounding or made a scene about having to pay for lessons, they could have easily squelched my love for music.  Instead, they did everything they could to help it flourish, and today I love playing, composing, arranging, and teaching music just as much as I ever did.

I hope that I can pass that love of music on to my children and to the students I have taught in the past and hope to teach again in the future.  I hope that the music I play and sing will be a blessing to others when they hear it live or on a recording.  I hope that the music I compose and arrange will be used by other music lovers for years to come to touch the lives of others as they play and sing it.

Music is a gift that can be passed from generation to generation, and I would be thrilled to know that my music has touched the life of someone else who in turn can touch the life of someone else.


How can you keep good going?  Do you have a special ability that you can use to bless others?  Maybe you don't feel that you have any incredible talent.  But by being a loving parent, faithful friend, or caring spouse, you can have a greater impact on people than you could ever imagine.

Learn more about how New York Life can help you and your family Keep Good Going.




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