How I Get My Kids to Actually Stay Quiet During Afternoon Quiet Time - Imperfect Homemaker

How I Get My Kids to Actually Stay Quiet During Afternoon Quiet Time

I am unashamedly an introvert mom.

That means I start getting a bit jittery in the afternoons.  I have to have some quiet time without the constant “kid noise” in the background or I struggle to be sweet.  I need some time to recharge my batteries so I can head into the evening calm and collected.

But the big question is:

How do I implement a quiet time for the kids that is actually quiet?

How I Get My Kids to Stay Quiet During Afternoon Quiet Time

Usually I have the smallest ones take a nap while the older ones read in their rooms.
But often the ones who are not required to take naps will come out of their room approximately 800 times, thus ensuring that quiet time is not exactly relaxing for mama.  They need a snack or have to go to the bathroom or have to tattle on a sibling about something.

Enter my latest lifesaver: Jonathan Park Audio AdventuresJonathan Park Audio Adventures

Jonathan Park audio adventures are so engaging for my kids that they don't want to get up from quiet time because they'll miss what happens next!

My oldest son (age 8) has been especially engrossed in the adventures.  He talks about them non-stop and asks me several times a day if he may listen to the next episode.  He's always trying to guess what is going to happen as he scours the descriptions on the backs of the cases to see if he can catch onto any clues about the next episode.

 jonathan park audios

Why Mom Loves Jonathan Park Audio Adventures:

  1. Character building – my children are being encouraged through the example of their “peers” on the audios to develop numerous Godly character traits such as perseverance, selflessness, courage, and more!
  2. Teaches Biblical Creationism – a child may not be interested in a big term like “Apologetics”, but that is exactly what my children are learning through these exciting stories!  They're not only learning the truth about our world and its Creator; they're learning how to defend that truth!
  3. All while keeping the kids quietly occupied! (And mom might secretly enjoy hearing the stories too when she's not busy catching a nap!)


What my kids think of Jonathan Park Audio Adventures:

I like it best when we get to the exciting parts where I wonder, “What's going to happen next?!!” -K. age 6

And I already mentioned how often my 8-year-old talks about the stories and how he asks several times a day if he may listen to the next episode.  With a strongly distractable personality, the fact that he can sit still for an entire afternoon with his attention captivated by the stories is impressive! (Even if he does sit on my kitchen counters so he can be right next to the CD player!)

As he saw me composing this blog post, he said, “That's how you keep us quiet?”  “Yes,”  I answered.  “It works!”

“Well, I like Jonathan Park!  I'm going to save my money so I can buy another set!”

Jonathan Park Audio Adventures

What are the adventures like?

Well…why don't you decide?  Listen below to a trailer!  The level of excitement you hear is exactly how the adventures are the entire way through!


Who are Jonathan Park Audio Adventures for?

The adventures were specifically designed for ages 7-13, although younger children all the way through adults will enjoy them!


Are you ready to bless your family with highly entertaining, faith-building audio adventures?
Click here to get your first Series Pack 1 – over five hours of action-packed fun that will equip, educate, and unlock your kids’ imaginations!!

Jonathan Park Audio Adventures



Disclosure: I received product and/or payment to facilitate this review.  As always, I only feature products our family personally uses and loves to share with my readers!

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