Saying Goodbye to Saggy Diapers - Imperfect Homemaker

Saying Goodbye to Saggy Diapers

Do you ever look at your child from behind and think "Wow, that looks awful! It looks like her diaper hasn't been changed in a week!" Here's how we got rid of the saggy diaper look!


Do you ever look at your child from behind and think “Wow, that looks awful!  It looks like her diaper hasn't been changed in a week!”


As a blogger, I have had the opportunity to try out many diapers (will blog for diapers!), but since day 1 of my first child, Pampers has been my favorite brand, and that has never changed.

I consider Pampers the “premium” brand, and what I give to new moms to spoil them at their baby shower.

I didn't think there was a whole lot of room for improvement, so when I heard that Pampers Cruisers were upgraded to have less sag, I was intrigued.  I honestly didn't expect them to be much different.

But I was wrong!  While the diaper doesn't feel stiffer or seem like it would be less comfortable to my little “Cruiser”, there is definitely a different feel and look to the diaper when it is wet.  It stays firm and doesn't sag down making my daughter look like she hasn't had a diaper change in a week.

no more saggy diapers

They have a really good offer on these at Target right now through September 5:

Buy 2 Pampers Giant Packs Get $10 Gift Card

I took advantage of this deal to stock us up for the next little while!

Pampers Cruisers at Target

If you get the chance to try out the improved Pampers Cruisers, I know you will like them!  Just say no to diaper sag! 🙂


Pampers diapers


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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