One Simple Word That Could Change Your Home - Imperfect Homemaker

One Simple Word That Could Change Your Home

One Simple Word That Could Change Your Home | Christian Homemaking


You are here because you are a homemaker.  (At least that's what I'm assuming!)

Look up the definition of “homemaker” in any dictionary, and you will find something to the effect of “a person who manages a home.”

Now if you look up the definition of the word “home”, you will find that it not only means “the place where a person lives”, but it also includes “the social unit formed by a family living together”. 

So, as a homemaker, you are not only the manager of the house in which you live, but you are in essence the manager of the family that lives there as well.


If you want to be successful in your calling as a homemaker, your time and attention should be on how you can better yourself in your management of both your home and your family.


Right here, before they ever get any further than the definition of their calling, is where many homemakers get derailed.

I confess it is very easy to do.

Opportunities to do so many good things come your way all the time – teaching Sunday School, leading homeschool co-op, volunteering at the crisis pregnancy center, etc.


But the question you must ask yourself when these opportunities come along is “Will this prevent me from managing my home and family successfully?  How much of my time will this require?”


If you cannot honestly say that your role as a home manager will not be hindered, then the word you must use is the word “No.”


It's a hard one to say sometimes.  (What will other people think?) Let me be clear.  I am not saying it is wrong to accept opportunities. But I am saying it is wrong if it will prevent you from fulfilling your responsibilities at home.

If you find yourself constantly frazzled that you can't keep up with the laundry, or frustrated that you can never seem to find time to give your child some much-needed one-on-one time, or feeling guilty that you haven't cooked a nice meal for your husband in who-knows-how-long, then you'll know it's time to use that little word.

Maybe you not only need to refuse new opportunities, but you need to cut down on some of the things with which you are already involved.

Don't feel guilty for saying no to something good in order to say yes to that which is best in this season of your life.

Don't feel guilty saying no to something good in order to say yes to that which is best. | imperfecthomemaker.com #homemaking #christianhome

Reduce responsibility, and see if it doesn't help you find an extra level of peace in your home!

What do you need to say no to?  I'd love for you to share your thoughts in the comments!



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