Parenting with Gentleness (Will You Join Me?) - Imperfect Homemaker

Parenting with Gentleness (Will You Join Me?)

Every October, it is somewhat of a tradition among many bloggers to participate in the Write 31 Days challenge.  This is where we pick a topic and blog about it for 31 days straight.

I don't always participate since I don't want to purposely stretch myself too thin or stress myself out over meeting an obligation to write every single day.

However, I've had a topic on my heart for a long time, and I even have a complete book outlined out for this topic.  But I just haven't had the time to sit down and write like I want to.  I think participating in a 31 day series this year will give me a good jumpstart on writing the things that are on my heart, even if I don't complete a book start to finish in 31 days.

I'm afraid if I wait too long to write down some of these things I will lose a lot of the freshness and passion about them that I'm feeling right now.  And I really want to be able to write from the depths of my heart rather than just putting down words from an outline.

So…the topic I'll be focusing on for the 31 days of October is:




If I had to poinpoint a day that God began this work in my heart, I would say it was a couple years ago when I wrote this post: The Thing Our Children Really Need

Since then, I've been much more aware of how often I don't parent with gentleness, and I've been actively seeking wisdom as to how I can change that.

While I don't plan to post a super long post each day, I at least want to share the main points of my outline and try to get across to you what God has laid on my heart.

Do you need this series as much as I do?

Enter your email address to be notified when it begins!

UPDATE: I certainly didn't write anywhere close to 31 posts on this topic, but the ones I did write can all be found here!



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