5 Reasons We Use Covenant Eyes to Protect Our Family Online - Imperfect Homemaker

5 Reasons We Use Covenant Eyes to Protect Our Family Online

Have you heard of Covenant Eyes internet accountability and filtering?

Our family finds the money we spend on this service to be more than worth it!

Here are some reasons why:

5 Reasons We Use Covenant Eyes to Protect Our Family Online

1. Separate users  and multiple devices– you can add different members of your family and configure the settings to be most suitable for them.  For example – for young children, you could set it up for them to be allowed on one or two websites to play educational games.  For teenagers, you could select the strongest filtering so that they can browse and do school research without the ability to accidentally land on an inappropriate website.  The administrator can enter their password to allow access to a website that has been blocked but doesn’t necessarily need to be.  If your family has multiple, you can install the software on everyone's computer, tablet, or phone so that everyone is protected wherever they go!

2. Internet Filtering – select as strong or weak of a filter as you feel you need, and make the strength different depending on the user.

3.Internet Accountability – Besides filtering out content that could potentially cause you to stumble in your Christian walk, you can also ask a friend or relative to be your accountability partner.  Covenant Eyes will send regular reports via email of your online activity to the partner(s) of your choice.  You can have as many accountability partners as you wish and choose the frequency of the report (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).  The report will show your accountability partner how much time you’ve spent online, what webpages you visited or attempted to visit, the search terms you used, and even whether you tried to uninstall Covenant Eyes from your computer.

4. Time filtering – one of the more subtle ways the devil uses the internet against us is by tempting us to use it to waste time.  If you struggle with wasting time on the internet, you can take advantage of the time filters on Covenant Eyes.  You can restrict internet usage to a certain number of hours per week or day or you can choose to block internet usage during certain times of the day.

5. Resources for families and churches – Covenant Eyes offers free e-books on topics relating to Family Protection, Pornography Use and Recovery, and Helps for Churches to address the subject of pornography.  They also have a great blog with many informative and thought-provoking posts.


If you are serious about protecting your family online, I encourage you to look into a Covenant Eyes subscription.


Accounts start at $9.99 per month, and there is a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the service.  (Although I'm confident you will be!)

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