Quick Update - Imperfect Homemaker

Quick Update

I'm afraid I may end up rambling around with this post.  I've gotten out of the groove of blogging after not having any internet for a week.

I'm still alive over here, though, and hope to get back into the routine tomorrow.

It's 3:45 pm, and as much as I love and appreciate my readers, you're not #1 on my list on priorities.  (Sorry to break that to you.)

My husband and I were talking a couple nights ago about how we can actively, intentionally reach some spiritual goals.  Instead of saying, “I wish I would spend more time reading and memorizing God's Word and praying; I wish I would be a better spiritual teacher to my kids, etc.”, we tried to come up with an action plan to actually fulfill those desires.

I also asked my husband if there is anything I can do to help him grow spiritually.

The main thing right now that would be the biggest help to him is to get myself well physically.  (I'm working on that, and praise the Lord I found some doctors who really “get it” and who will spend as much time with me as they need to in order to get these crazy hormones of mine balanced out and take care of the resultant autoimmune conditions, nutritional deficiencies and chronic fatigue syndrome.)

As the foreman at a cabinetry shop, he often puts in 12 hour days, then comes straight home to help me finish up housework and laundry and sometimes cook supper.  He's always worn out, and as I talked about in my last post about our healthy living journey, he doesn't always get a lot of nutrition from his food.  That doesn't leave him much time or energy to spend time with the Lord, even though he does make every effort to find times throughout the day to do so.  If I can get to where I can take care of all the household responsibilities again, he will have a lot of time in the evenings to spend with the kids, spend time with the Lord, and simply rest and be rejuvenated.

But today is not one of my “bad days”.  I am feeling fairly well.  I don't want to be sitting at a computer screen when I can be a blessing to my husband by getting a healthy supper cooked at a reasonable hour so he can be strengthened with food,  rest from the responsibilities of a long day at work, spend time with his children, and get to bed at a decent hour so that he can be awake and alert during his morning time with the Lord.

So, after a little rambling, I'm off.  Off to be a blessing to my husband, thanking the Lord for this opportunity today, and praying that soon this will be the norm.






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