4 Reasons You Should Be Freezer Cooking - Imperfect Homemaker

4 Reasons You Should Be Freezer Cooking


Have you ever made freezer meals?  If you haven't, I want to try to convince you that you should be doing it regularly!


Here are 4 Reasons You Should Be Freezer Cooking:


reasons for freezer cooking

1. Saves Time

It takes just as much time to make one enchilada casserole as it does to make two or four. It just takes bigger pans and containers. Anytime you double, triple, or quadruple a recipe, you'll be saved the time preparing that meal at another time.


2. Saves Money

By having meals already in the freezer, you will not be shopping as often. When you don't go to the store, you don't spend any money!


3.Better Nutrition for Your Family

When you get too busy the temptation is to go through the drive-thru or pick up pizza.  You know it's not healthy, but you're hungry, the kids are hungry, and you're exhausted. But imagine you have healthy food at home that you can easily reheat and serve!


4. Enjoy  Last Minute Guests

If you struggle with finding time to have company, you will free yourself by having meals pre-made in the freezer.  You can even invite guests at the last minute without worrying about what in the world you will feed them.  You can focus your time on sprucing up the house while dinner heats in the oven, then enjoy your time with your guests since you haven't been frazzled by trying to get everything done.


Have you ever done freezer cooking?  Do you need to be doing it more often?

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