A Stroller For a Growing Family (Evenflo Sibby Review) - Imperfect Homemaker

A Stroller For a Growing Family (Evenflo Sibby Review)

This post was sponsored by Evenflo as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received the Evenflo Sibby Travel System to facilitate my review.

Evenflo Sibby Review


Most of you know that we recently added another member to our family.  Now that I'm a mom of 5 children, I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what gear you need when you have a lot of young children!

In my opinion, a travel system is a must!  There is always need for a stroller for the baby, and when you have a toddler in the mix, it's nice to be able to let both of them ride.

When I was given the opportunity to review the Evenflo Sibby Travel System, I was really excited to check it out.

Evenflo Sibby Review

At first glance, the thing that interested me the most was that it had space for both the baby and toddler to ride, yet it wouldn't take up nearly as much room in my trunk as a double stroller.

Evenflo Sibby Travel System


Other things I like about the Evenflo Sibby Travel System:

  • Gender neutral, classic fabric
    I thought the gray denim-like color was nice.  Being a mom of multiple children, I really prefer a gender neutral fabric so that I can use the stroller and car seat over and over no matter what gender subsequent children are.  It's also really nice to have something that is not too trendy so that it won't look weird in a few years.  Although it has a denim look to it, the fabrice is actually very light and breathable. (There are other colors of fabric available as well.)
  • Comfortable handle height
    This is another important feature in a stroller.  You don't want to be stooped over as you push your little one around!
  • Smooth ride
    I was very pleased with how smoothly the stroller rides and how easily the wheels swivel.  I have used some strollers that are honestly hard to steer.  It's embarrassing to be running a stroller into things because you can't get it to go where you want it to go!  I didn't have any problems at all with the Evenflo Sibby.
  • Large storage basket
    This is another must when you are a mom of multilple children.  The amount of things you need to have with you requires a lot of space!  I was happy with how large the basket under the Evenflo Sibby was.
  • Easy to adjust the seat up and down
    Depending on which child is riding in the stroller, I need to adjust the seat frequently.  A younger baby would be lying down more often, while a toddler will usually want to sit up but may get tired and need to  lie back too.  Just a quick pull on the cord on the back easily allows me to adjust the seat wherever it is needed.
  • Large canopy
    I really love having so much shade over my child when we're out in the sun.  If I'm using the car seat with the stroller, I can completely cover the baby by using the canopy from both the stroller and the car seat combined.


What I'd like a little better:

  • Canopy does not adjust easily
    The canopy does not pull up and down very easily.  You have to wrestle with it a little bit to get it to go where you want it to go.  This gets old really quick.
  • Ride Along Board should be larger
    If the baby is lying back, there is no room at all for my toddler to ride.  Even with the stroller seat adjusted up, there is not much room at all for her to stand.  I think the ride along board should extend out a little further so that there is plenty of room to ride.

evenflo sibby stand

The Evenflo Sibby Travel System is available at Target.  You can check it out and watch a short video here.


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