Taking Care of Yourself (Imperfect Homemaking Challenge) - Imperfect Homemaker

Taking Care of Yourself (Imperfect Homemaking Challenge)

Time is my biggest enemy when it comes to taking care of my appearance.

I really don't enjoy feeling frumpy, but I'll be honest, there are many, many days when I don't even get to shower.  Believe me, I try, but with 4 small children at home, I can pretty much forget it unless I get up early or stay up late.  It's sad.

My toenails are often undone and sometimes I forget to shave my legs because if I do dare to take a shower during the day I am inevitably interrupted by some minor emergency.

But I really don't enjoy feeling ugly either.  Feeling pretty and feminine actually helps me be a better homemaker because it puts me in a better mood.

So what's a girl to do?

There's only one answer to that – make time.  It's worth it to stay up a little later to do my toenails if it will help me be more cheerful the next day.  It's worth it to stay up a little later if it means I'll get 2 legs shaved instead of only one.

It's worth it to invest in myself so that I can better invest in my family.


It's worth it to invest in myself.


Today's Challenge: Take some time to take care of yourself today.  (Even if it's just shaving the other leg!)


You'll feel better about yourself and be a more cheerful homemaker!

Instagram challenge: Post a photo of what you did to take care of yourself.  Use the hashtag #imperfecthomemaker to encourage other members of this community.  (Follow me here.)


If you’re just joining the 31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking series, you can see all the posts here.


31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking | A Series for Christian Homemakers

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